Act 10, The Death of Wendy White and Queen Nehelenia

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Fade to the Black Forest, near a small waterfall. Nehelenia is walking through on her way to the Exceeds cottage. Along the road, the former cackles to herself.

Nehelenia: The little cats will be away, and she'll be alone.....with a harmless old peddler woman. A harmless old peddler woman!

As she speaks, two Mandibuzz watch from above. The moment they hear someone's going to die, they grin and fly off after her, not caring who it is as long as they get something to make a meal of.

Fade back to the Exceeds cottage kitchen. Wendy White is making the gooseberry pie the latter mentioned the night before, all the while singing her song again as she works.

 Wendy White is making the gooseberry pie the latter mentioned the night before, all the while singing her song again as she works

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Wendy White: (sings) Someday my prince will come, someday we'll meet again. And away to his castle we'll go, to be happy forever I know. Someday if spring is here, we'll find our love anew. And the birds will sing and wedding bells will ring, someday if my dreams come truuuuue!

Suddenly, a shadow washes over her, frightening the Pokémon away and Wendy White gasps. There standing in front of her, is Nehelenia, disguised as an old peddler. The queen chuckles at her soon-to-be-deceased stepdaughter.

Nehelenia: All alone, my pet?

Wendy White: (hesitant) Why...why, yes, I am, but-

Nehelenia: The...the little cats are not here?

Wendy White: No, they're not, but...

Meanwhile, Nehelenia is speaking to Wendy White and sniffs the air.

Nehelenia: Making pies?

Wendy White: Yes, gooseberry pie.

Nehelenia: It's apple pies that make the menfolk's mouths water. (takes out her basket of apples and shows her the red, poisoned apple) Pies made from apples like these.

 (takes out her basket of apples and shows her the red, poisoned apple) Pies made from apples like these

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From the side of the house, the Pokémon see Nehelenia offer Wendy White the apple.

Wendy White: Oh, they do look delicious.

Nehelenia: Yes, but wait until you taste one, darling. (chuckles)

However, the bird Pokémon in another tree, see the two Mandibuzz and chirp a plan to themselves.

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