Intro and Info

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Accountability buddy.

An accountability buddy/partner is someone who supports another person to keep a commitment or maintain progress on a desired goal. They will often be a trusted friend or acquaintance who will regularly ask an individual about their progress or receive confessions of moral wrongdoing


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My new year resolution is to finish my book.

It's January something, and I have only seven chapters and I feel like crawling into a cave and hybernating with the bears.

It's January something, and I have only seven chapters and I feel like crawling into a cave and hybernating with the bears

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I could say to myself that not every one has the same pace if I'd actually been pacing at all. But no, Procrastination is ruling and my morale is rather low.

If you're reading this and thinking this all applies to me then what you need is an accountability partner.

And lucky for you I, Lora Stephens, am going to be that partner.


You see, the main reason any writer writes is so a reader can read.

So the way this works is, every week I challenge you to write one chapter or 1000 words.

I will read it. I'm not going to critique on it rather I'll comment on it with cheerleader-like enthusiasm, gush about it like it's the best thing since sliced bread (and who knows it could be), and beg you to drop another content next week.

And you will keep doing so every week until the story is complete.

If you miss a week, I'll use my imagination to write what I think happens next in the story. But you'll be suspended for a month.
The idea is to give you a clearer picture if you're stuck or some type of new plot point to expand on if you need one. You don't have to use the piece I write, it's just for reference.

During the week you can ask for writing advice or simple feedback. My DMs are open.

To sign up, head over to the next chapter.

Accountability BuddyWhere stories live. Discover now