Chapter 2 - look where we are

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Ethan POV -

I looked at Sahara and smiled at her I heard my mom " aww no... " I said Sahara looked at me scared
" I've been trying to flag you down for the last four hours! " mom said " our son is on your ship! " she said the " umm... I... " Sahara said I turned getting grabbed by my arm getting pulled she also pulled Sahara along " she said your son is on our ship! " the woman said " hey, mom. " I said " Ethan? " dad asked " oh, hey, Dad. " I said.

Legend went up and licked his face " you brought the dog? " dad asked " what you doing here? " he asked
" daughter did you bring him along? " Callisto asked
" umm... I... " she said backing up " I can explain! " she said " it was my fault I asked her to. And I just wanna help! " I said Sahara looked at me " Ethan, we talked about this. I can't. " dad said as I walked up to him " I need you to take care of the farm while I'm gone. " he said he gave me Legend " now, please, go with mom. " he said " wait, but, Dad. " I said I heard Sahara screamed and a creature shrieked.

" what is happening? " dad asked I saw Sahara on the ground " are you ok? " I asked extending my hand to her she took it nodding " Dad, what are those things? " I asked " head inside. I got this. " Callisto said Legend tried going after them but Sahara grabbed him " no buddy! " she said trying to hold him back a creature came in front of us it hissed  I screamed Sahara hissed at it me and my dad stared at her then turned towards each other it growled back at her " hey, razor face. " Callisto said it turned to her.

" yeah, come and get me. " she said I heard another scream " SAHARA! " I screamed going to the edge watching her fall off " girl down over here! " dad yelled then a creature flew right in front of my face I yelped and fell backwards watching it fly off it had something on its back and it was Sahara " is she riding that thing!? " dad asked I smiled impressed then the ship started falling " Legend! " I said
" I got him! " dad said grunting I heard a bang behind me I turned seeing " Sahara! " I said she fell I grabbed her " gotcha! " I said.

She turned to me surprised we got out of that place dad fell " dad! " I yelled watching him fall " Dad! " I yelled again " Ethan! " he yelled she looked around
" Ethan! " she said I turned to her " look where we are! " she said impressed I looked around " wow! " I said I laughed after I got on the plane wing trying to find him " Ethan? " Sahara asked I turned to her I jumped down to her walking with her seeing the crew together.

" we are clearly in uncharted territory. " Callisto said
" I know you're all feeling scared. I am too. " she said
" but the mission remains the same. We're here to save Pando, okay? Daughter don't play with that. " she said I turned seeing Sahara having fun with a weird plant thing she stop giggling and turned towards us stopping sadly whispering to it before getting up going towards Callisto sitting on the rail looking at the strange Plant " But before we can do that. We need to get our ship back in the air. " Callisto said " what about my dad? " I asked.

" shouldn't we be saving him first? He's a farmer. You can't just leave him out there! " I said
" no one's leaving anyone. " Callisto said coming towards me " I know your worried about your dad, but I've seen him out in the field firsthand. " she said placing a hand on me " he know how to survive. If a want to do the same, our best bet is to retrieve him by air. " she taking her hand off of me " which means fixing this ship is the priority. " she said " but that's gonna take way too long. " I said.

" she's right, Ethan! " mom said I turned to her
" what? " I asked " no, I know, I know. " she said coming to me " but, babe, we have no idea what's out here. " she said I saw Sahara look at us with doubt
" the Venture is our safest option. " mom said
" but, mom! " I said " honey, " she said putting her hands on both my shoulder " why don't you go hang out in the cockpit with Sahara while I help them with repairs? " she asked.

" I promise you, Ethan, we're gonna save your dad. " Callisto said " your have your assignments, get moving. " the woman said " Caspian, can you keep an eye on Ethan and Sahara and make sure she doesn't play with the weird plants again? " she asked I turned Sahara looked at her shocked the woman left " come on, Ethan. We're gonna have the best time. " Caspian said " you like board games, right? " he asked me " umm, Sahara no umm your not supposed to play with those! " he said I turned seeing her play with yet another weird plant.

I chuckled she really loves plants... I thought I turned seeing mini ships " any way you know how to escape this guy? " I whispered she turned towards me smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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