Alien Wars Chapter 1 Part 3- Shandora and the Mysterious Spirit Fox

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Revealing the world.... thunder clapped in the sky... Shandora Aka Ajaey with the look of trauma, had his stare kept upon the younglings and Zekes lodged in dead body.

"Oh no!... what have I done!?... I wasnt trying to kill him!" Ajaey thought. The younglings nudged Zeke, trying to unlodge him out of the Boulder, with many of the younglings crying. "Zeke! Cmon buddy wake up!", "Zeke, Zeke!", ".... He's Dead!... Zeke is dead!" The younglings exclaimed. Aajey had no idea what had happened beforehand.

He was only trying to beat Zeke in the fight in order to prevent Zeke from killing him. But it seemed that Ajaey had come to realize that he was set off. Just like when he first arrived to earth at Meridian City. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" Ajaey said. Cole was shocked, and silent. He didn't know what to say. He however knew that Zeke for some reason was out to kill Ajaey due to the way Zeke was speaking about him.

The younglings glanced back at him in anger. "YOU!!!" One of em screamed. "YOU DID THIS!!!", "YOU KILLED ZEKE!!!" They screamed. "I-Im sorry!" Ajaey said again. "Sorry, doesn't cut it Ajaey!", "You have no control of your emotions!", "You are a  danger to all of us! To Master Yuushi! To Mandy, and to her friend Lily!" The younglings said. Mandy and Lily were full of shock and trauma, they didn't even know what to say. Kokuo walked up to Ajaey, and he hits Ajaey in the face, pushing him to the ground.

"Don't ever call yourself one of us... you will NEVER! be one of us!...", "N-No!..." Ajaey replied. "Zeke is dead... BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Kokuo screamed with anger. Ajaeys eyes started to tear up. Grunting to himself. He felt like he was back where he was when he first came to earth. As in his eyes... he saw darkness all around him. All alone in an abyss. Cole stepped in and pushed Kokuo away. "Hey knock it off! Ajaey is not to be blamed for this!" Cole said. Kokuo pushed him back. "Oh shut up Cole, what do you know!? Master Yuushi made a mistake bringing him home! This is all your fault you know!? We never should've invited Ajaey to be one of us!... it was a mistake from the start, and we should've just left him to be alone!" Kokuo said.

Cole growled and pushed Kokuo again. "Don't blame me for this! What the heck is wrong with you!?" Cole said. "What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with him!?" Kokuo exclaimed pointing at Ajaey. "He killed our brother Cole! He's a ticking time bomb! That cannot be atoned for now knowing that he killed hundreds over two years ago! The Alien Defense System was right! That kid is a danger to usually all! and he can go off anytime! He's a complete psycopath!" Kokuo said. "Don't you see what was going on!? You're being blind sighted by your emotions! You're not seeing the entire situation here!" Cole said.

"Oh I see it clear as day! You obviously can't see the situation! Zeke is dead Cole, and it's only a matter of time before Ajaey ends up killing one of us!" Kokuo exclaimed. Ajaey was crying. Cole growled silently. "You clearly haven't learned, Kokuo! Ajaey grew with us and proved that he's just another youngling like us! He was abandoned and lost! All he wanted were some loved ones he can trust, and now, with the way you and the rest are acting, you're only gonna scar him!" Cole said. Lily glanced over to Ajaey in worry. "Ajaey..." She thought.

"Scar him?.. SCAR HIM!? LOOK AT THE SCAR HE JUST CAUSED US!!!" Kokuo screamed. All the younglings cried over Zeke. "There's no way Ajaey can live with us anymore and still be considered a member of this family. I won't accept that, or else he'll know he can get away with it again!.. I'm afraid to say Cole... Ajaey will never find a place in any society where he will fit in!" Kokuo said. "Kokuo you idiot! Ajaey hadn't had a reaction since that first time master told us about it, are you that stupid!? You're blinded by anger! He already feels horrible about what he's done!" Cole said.

"So what..." Kokuo replied. Coles eyes raised. "It doesn't matter if he's sorry for what he's done, he still did the crime. They should've just killed him back when he was first found. You should be on our side Cole. Ajaey deserves to be outcasted... no one will ever come to love him." Kokuo said. Suddenly... the loud sound of a Thunder goes off. *CLAPPPPPPP!!!!*

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