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"Taehyung! I can't believe a simple chore makes you lazy

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"Taehyung! I can't believe a simple chore makes you lazy... Mrs Hyun won't always be here to help you... Aish!" Taehyung's mother says as she stared at her son, who laid on his bed, playing with his game.
"But, mom! Isn't that what Mrs Hyun's job is?" Taehyung asks and covered his ears as soon as his mother started telling what she had done when she was still in her old village. She was born poor, yes... But Taehyung's father is a rich man who fell in love with her, ending up with marrying her and then having Taehyung.

"Yeah, yeah, mom... I've heard that many times" Taehyung says and his mom glared at him.
"I'm going to tell your dad about this... I'll tell him to send you to my old village, to your grandparents" She says and Taehyung's eyes widened.
"What did you say, mom? Mom! Wait! No, mom!" He screamed before laughing as he laid back down.
"She won't do that... Dad won't let her... I'm their only child" He says, smirking and went back to gaming.

"Mom! This is torture!" Taehyung says as he screamed in the phone. He was sent to his grandparents village, where his mother started. What he thought won't happen, happened. He hears his mother scoff, making him pout.

"It's a way for you to provide for yourself, Taehyung! If you have listened to me teaching you before, this wouldn't happen! Aish, you brat"

"Dad! Why did you agree with her?" Taehyung asks as he hears his father's voice on the phone.

"Taehyung, your mom is right... You need to know simple chores, you have to help your grandparents there"

"But, dad! I don't like this place! Yes, I love grandma and grandpa, but I don't want to be here and work... I want to be here to hangout with them" Taehyung cried out, huffing as he hears his father chuckle.

"Oh, Tae... As much as I want to tell you that you'll just hangout there, I can't. Your mom demanded your grandparents do have you do chores there, they were very hesitant at first but you know your mom..."

"Dad" Taehyung groaned as he whined and stomped his feet around, gasping as he got dirt on his shoes.

"Kim Taehyung, don't be stubborn. Besides, you'll probably find your soulmate or your lover there... That's what happened between me and your mom. I was like you before and now look! I'm very hardworking"

"Whatever... Bye" He says and ended the call.
"Tonight. I will escape this place" He says, smirking to himself.

Night came and Taehyung walked out of his room. He looked around to check if his grandparents are awake. They aren't. He smirked and walked to where he had seen his grandpa hide the car keys and as he found it, he immediately walked out. He had his bag with him, he'll just get his luggage another time. He got out of the house and went to his car.

Taehyung was going to escape even though it's just the first day he's here. As he's about to unlock the car door, he hears someone clearing their throat. He's startled, turning around to be met with someone so pretty. Taehyung's heart fluttered and he felt butterflies in his stomach. Too exaggerated? Well, that's what he really is feeling right now.

"Hi, what are you doing?" The guy asks, smiling as he tilts his head to the side. Taehyung gulped, that was so cute.
"U-uh, well... Uhm, I'm... Well, I'm observing the place! I'm new!" Taehyung lies and the guy chuckles, nodding.
"Oh, really? Do you want me to tour your around?" The guy asks as he smiled wider, his eyes disappeared and Taehyung could feel his heart burst. He didn't want the pretty guy to leave just yet, even though he didn't like the place, he ended up agreeing.

"Yes, please! Uh, I mean... Yes, please"

"You're cute, mister"

"You're cute, mister"

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Don't Be Lazy, Mr Rich Man [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now