Studying Together

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Otis - "What is the test even about?" You end up studying the wrong thing. You both end up failing miserably but you have each other at least.

Eric - You get absolutely no studying done. You're both on your phones, you're doing a fashion show together, you're eating, watching tv. Basically, anything to avoid actually studying.

Maeve - Studying Masters. Enjoying each other's company. She doesn't let you use your phone. Flashcards, quizlets, etc., etc. She ends up giving you most of the answers.

Aimee - Funnest study sesh ever. She takes pretty notes. You both have a reward system when you get something right you get a kiss or a snack.

Adam - Almost never studied before in his life. Has no clue what he's doing but he's trying. 

Jackson - Actually studying at first. Then you take a break. Then studying time gets shorter and shorter until you've been on break forever and haven't studied in an hour.

Cal - Very productive. TV on in the background. Double checking every second. Google totally *not* being used as a cheat.

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