Chapter 2

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Kenny's PoV
I walked y/n to the changing rooms and waved her goodbye. Even though we were going to see each other pretty soon because we were in the same gym class. Y/n has been my best friend since forever i can tell her anything and she's always been there to help with Karen. Since my parents argue a lot I need help with my sister and y/n was always there. She's perfect in every way. I'm so glad to have her as my best friend.

Back to y/n PoV
I walked into the changing rooms and walked over to Wendy (another one of my best friends) "hey girl!" She hugged me tightly. "Hey Wendy, how was your summer?" She smiled "Eh not too bad thanks" I met Wendy through Stan they're dating each other. I began getting changed and I tied my hair up into a ponytail.

Wendy told me she was going to be a while and told me to wait for her in the hall. I nodded and walked to the gym hall. I saw Stan and Kenny sat on the bleachers so I went and sat with them. "Heyy guys" you said as you sat down. "Hey short stuff" kenny said with a wink. You turned crimson red "your such an ass" you said as you laughed at his joke. You and kenny always flirted with each other. So why did this time feel so different? You shrugged it off as the whistle blew.

"Alright class today we're going to be playing dodgeball!" You immediately groaned. Kenny looked over to you and gave a light chuckle. You smiled at him and admired his features without his parka on. He looked so different without it. "Y/N!" You snapped out of your gaze and stared at your teacher "Will you please admire your boyfriend on your own time!" You blushed and apologised the whole class laughed. Kenny just blushed at the word boyfriend.

You got into your dodgeball teams and you were on a team with kenny. The whistle blew and everyone immediately ran for the balls, not me I stayed back because hello i actually want to live to see my thirties. You dodged some balls that were thrown at you and you were doing pretty good until. BANG. You feel a ball hit your face and stumble backwards the last thing you can remember is falling onto something or someone soft.

You slowly open your eyes and your in the nurses office. Your head suddenly kills and you hold it wincing. "How you feeling?" Said a familiar voice. You looked over and see Kenny. "I'm fine my head is in agony! What happened?" Kenny stood up he was still without his parka and in his gym uniform. "Well you got hit in the head pretty hard with a ball and passed out, your lucky you landed on me." You blush out of embarrassment. "Oh god i landed on you? Are you alright?" He nodded "I'm fine not a scratch, I carried you to the nurses office and you have been out for an hour!"

You smile at Kenny "thanks for looking after me." He looked at you and smiled "Anytime short stuff." "I'm not short!" You said laughing. "You kind of are" he said back "Maybe it's just because your a giant!" You both burst into laughter. "Hey what time is it?" You ask. Kenny looks at the clock "it's 11:46 you still have time to get changed before lunch." Kenny hands you your bag with clothes and pushes you towards a bathroom to get changed in. You quickly do so and walk out so Kenny can do the same. When both of you are ready you walk to lunch together and wait for the others.

"Hey y/n how you feeling? That hit was hard!" Kyle said observing the bandage on your head "I'm fine my heads just a little sore nothing too bad!" You smiled at him. Cartman came over in a fit of laughter. "You got knocked out! AHAHA" you glare daggers at him whilst he just sits there laughing. "Hey knock it off fatass she was seriously hurt!" Oh no this can't be good. "Ay dont call me fat you fucking Jew I'm big boned!" Here we go again. Kyle and cartman argue whilst me Stan and kenny just sit there and watch. Stan stops them after a while and they both stay quiet. The silence was loud so i decided to break it "we still on for video games tonight?" Everyone shouts happily "I'm going to beat you guys this time" Stan said with a grin "*muffled* in your dreams stannny boy!" The bell rang and the rest of the day went by in a flash.

A/n longer chapter because yes also am I taking things too quickly? Bye bye

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