the shower pt 4

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After shino left kiba had turned around and noticed me he had started jogging towards me "hey neji!" Yelled kiba "hey kiba I saw you were saying goodbye to shino just now" " Oh yea we won't see each other till were done with training so we were saying goodbye " they both started walking together to the training grounds "so how are things with shikamaru" "it's all good he tried to have his way with me this morning but I managed to stop him this time"

"Haha that must've been mmhh lets see 'troublesome' " "very" me and kiba continued to talk together till we got to the training grounds were we saw naruto in something for sure sasuke chose for him

"Haha that must've been mmhh lets see 'troublesome' " "very" me and kiba continued to talk together till we got to the training grounds were we saw naruto in something for sure sasuke chose for him

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We stood there not knowing how he got the guts to leave the house in that "hey guys" Said the happy blond "h-hey naruto what with the umm... outfit?" Asked kiba "oh well sasuke said it looked good on me with my curves and big thighs and that my flat chest makes it look better so he said I should wear it today..and so I did" sasuke may seem like the not boyfriend type but he secretly he is he pampers naruto so much he spoiles him ofc he still gets in trouble and all but they have the sweetest and horniest relationship

That's all for right now I have to go and the dishes hope you all have a good day and night

Good bye my mochis 🍡🍡🌸

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