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Luke point of veiw ~ It took us a month but we finally got out of that fucking jungle and made it to the village. Three weeks in that fucking jungle was hell. Weird ass animals kept popping out of nowhere and they were fucking strong as well.

Nashi and Luna got kidnapped twice and we had to go fucking save them. That was honestly interesting but it made well for some good fighting. But it sucks that we don't have our original strength. But it's also good because we have a challenge to actually get stronger so that's a plus.

"Food or clothes first"I said "Clothes, then find somewhere we can shower, then we can go find something to fucking eat"Leila said as we walked through the small village.

We got a lot of weird stares. I mean I don't blame them we look terrible "are you okay"a concerned old woman asked "yeah we've just spent the past few weeks being trapped in a jungle and we lost our clothes in there as well. So we only have our swimsuits left along with our cards. We are also starving"Nash and Nashi said

"Ooh dear you poor kids. Why don't you head down there and make a right you should be able to find some local shops where you can get some clothes along with a place to wash up as well"she said "thank you"we said as we followed where she told us to go.

We ended up in an alleyway and saw a door. We opened it and headed inside. It was sorta dusty but also felt homey "what can I do for you"an old man asked "we are looking for some clothes, shoes, along with some weapons as well"Larcade said

"Clothes isle seven. Shoes isle eight, weapon's isle eleven and twelve"the old man said "thank you"August said "by any chance do you have any bags that we can store out things in"Leila asked "isle six"he said "thank you for your help"Leila said and he nodded.

"Luke, Nashi, Nebula, and Beni go pick out the weapons. Luna, Larcade, and Nash pick out the clothes. August and Igneel get the shoes and I will get the bags"Leila said "got it"we said and headed to the isles.

"Luke and I will take Isle twelve"Beni said "as we have isle eleven"Nashi said as she and nebula went down the isle. While Beni and I went to ours. We immediately started sorting through. I found a lot of boxes. And I found some that will be perfect for some of us.

I found weapons that will fit Nash and Igneel. Since those two like fighting with their fists twin daggers will be perfect for them. I found a set of bows as arrows for Nebula. I also found two war fans that will be perfect for Luna.

I found throwing knives for all of us as well "good haul let me guess the set of bows and arrows for nebula. War fans for Luna. Twin daggers for Nash and Igneel. Throwing knives for all of us"Beni said "correct what did you find"I asked

"Throwing stars for all of us. Guns for you. And mini daggers for all of us. And a scythe for Larcade"Beni said showing me "nice"I said as we headed out "did you guys find anything good"Nashi asked "yes we did"I said showing them and we told them who they were for.

"Ohh we found good things as well. A retractable bow staff for August. A whip for Nashi. Two Katanas for Leila. Sword for Beni"Nebula said "along with more throwing stars, daggers, and knives"Nashi said "we did good"I said as we met up with everyone else.

"Found a good amount of clothes and shoes for all of us that match our styles and are similar to home as well all the tops have build in masks"Igneel said "that's good"I said "I found us bags. It will let us carry up to one hundred items. So we have to pack carefully. And I also found us some cloaks"Leila said

"Good job sis"Nash said "now we just need to sort everything and label everything"Luna said "just leave that to me. So you guys can go look around and see if there is anything that you like or will be of interest to us so we can buy what we need so we can finally shower"Leila said "got it"we said.

We all went our separate ways in the store and looked around. I found a place with different artifacts. I looked through them and didn't see anything that interested me until I saw this weird orb. I picked it up. This has lighting magic in it. Devil slayer magic what the hell is that. Whatever I am most definitely taking this.

I walked around some more and found two books. One on lighting magic and the other on fire magic. I already know how to use both since they are my main elements but like mom says it never hurts to learn more information and it could be different as well.

I took those two and headed back. I got there at the same time as everyone else. Leila threw us each a bag. We went to the cashier checking everything out. The total was 50,000 each. Kinda on the expensive side. But I have a feeling that this is much cheaper then anywhere else.

End of chapter

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