Chapter Nineteen

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"Hunk! Aim that way not at me!" Keith yelled as he was nearly hit by Hunk's cannon "Sorry! Man, this person can move!" Hunk groaned as he hefted his cannon again aiming it at the one they were chasing.

Lance ran forward and aimed his gun as the attacker came close but slid to a stop Infront of Lance at about 8 feet from him, the attacker didn't move for 30 seconds before turning on their heel and running in the opposite direction "Uh, guys, their running the other way" Lance blinked "why do you sound so surprised?" Pidge asked through the comms "they didn't attack me they just paused and ran the other direction after 30 seconds" he responded "now that's weird, Pidge I see them! Heading your way" Keith called and Lance ran to catch up, he wasn't really supposed to be doing this while pregnant but he didn't have a choice. This was his job and they're was no stopping that.

"Stop!" Lance fired his gun as the attacked moved and dodged "crap" he muttered, Hunk was at his side before firing his cannon again but the attacker moved to the side and the beam made a hole in the wall, the attacker ran through the doors but the paladins managed to get through before they closed. Now they were outside the base, Lance readied his gun again while the others readied their own weapons. "Stop running" They were silent at the response "question why did we chase them again?" Lance whispered to Hunk "I think Shiro said something about gathering information" Lance's mouth formed an "Oh" before his eyes turned forward again.

The attacked had their hands clasped around their stun gun however their covered face moved into Lance's direction, Keith growled "Eyes off of him" he warned "I mean him no harm, he's experienced that enough" Lance raised a brow at that, who was this? Did the know something they shouldn't? "What do you mean? Who are you" Shiro looked at the one Infront of them as the others stood in a diamond shape around Lance who was still vaguely confused "someone from the past" They said "okay, enough jokes. Who the hell are you and why are you speaking gibberish?" Pidge sassed, Shiro gave her a disapproving sigh and Lance grinned with a thumbs up.

"Ha pasado mucho tiempo, gatito" Lance's eyes widen, that wasn't possible, this had to be a joke. "Did they just speak Spanish?" Hunk asked with a wide mouth "that was Spanish? What did they say?" Keith asked, he looked to his mate who had wide eyes "Lance, what did they say?" He asked his mate who still looked stunned. "¿Eres real? Eres realmente...?" Lance asked tears filling his eyes as his friends were confused.

They took off their helmet revealing their face to the paladins.

Lance's gun dropped to the ground "Lance! What's wrong?" Keith was getting concerned "As real as I'll ever be, I missed you kitten" Lance ran forward ignoring the others calls and threw himself at the girl Infront of him who caught him in her arms as he sobbed into their shoulder. The girl nuzzled her face into Lance's shoulder hugging the boy tight to her, "Lance" Shiro grew worried, was this someone Lance knew? The girl lifted her head from Lance and looked at the paladins "your his friends I see?" She asked "and who are you?" Keith took up a posture that showed he was ready for a fight "Veronica" Hunk's eyes widen "Aren't you.." He trailed off "what?" Pidge looked to Hunk "That's Veronica McClain, Lance's older sister" the others looked back to the sobbing Lance who Veronica held in her arms.

Allura set the castle down on the planets surface as she and Coran met up with the other paladins, Lance was still hugging Veronica like he was dreaming. "What is wrong with Lance?" Allura asked looking at Lance who was still sobbing "It appears that's Lance's older sister, I'm not sure how she's out here but Lance is acting like he hasn't seen her for a very long time" Hunk replied "You've never met her before? You knew her name" Keith said "I knew her name yes but no I've never met her, Lance would mumble in his sleep about someone named Veronica and he told me once he had a sister named Veronica and showed me a picture. That was it" Hunk explained, "I really need to look into the McClain's" Pidge mumbled a mental note into her head. Veronica had let Lance let her go before they walked to the others, Keith went over and dried his tears with his thumb "I assume all of you have questions, Lance especially" She looked to Lance who nodded with teary eyes "We do" Allura replied "Then I will explain just not out here" Allura gestured to the castle and everyone else followed.

Answers were about to be given.

A/N: Dun dun duh! More mysteries! Hahaha


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