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"Muzino Yukio, the player to change Japanese football for ever." - FootWear Magazine.

"He's really amazing, just think, Muzino Yukio leading Japan to the World Cup!" - Aoki Riko, retired player.

"Sure, he's only thirteen, but he has potential, I guess." - unknown.

"Muzino Yukios just a kid with a false reality. He has no technique, he's a trash player." - unknown


"That was three years ago."

A lone teenager sat upon his bed, looking at a display case full of trophies. "Where did the years go?" He asks himself. "I remember how I got that one." He says out loud, "if I remember correctly, it's when I beat a team with four semi-pro players by myself, when I was thirteen.. with a goal keeper of course." He continues examining the other eighty-five trophies for another fifty minutes.

"Muzino, dear!" He heard his mother call for him. "What?" He yells back. "A letters arrived for you!" She responds. "Probably just another love note from a fan.." he mumbles, leaving his room.

"What is it?" Muzino asks approaching his mom, who is in the kitchen. "Here." She responds, handing him a sealed envelope. "It's from the Japan Football Union!" Muzinos eyes open a bit, "really? But I quit Football.." he opens the envelope to reveal a letter. He read it as his mother peered over his shoulder, "you've been selected for a special player training program" was texted at the top in all capitals. "The audacity. Even after I pubilcy stated I quit Football.."

"Whatcha got there, Muzino?" A familiar voice asked. His sister entered the kitchen, carrying in a bag of groceries. His mother's eyes lit up, "the Football Union selected him for a special program!" His sister nearly dropped the bag, "really?" She turned to Muzino, "you're going to go, right?" Muzino simply responded. "No." He sat the letter down on the dinning room table, "and why is that?" She asked. "You know why, so why keep asking?" He begins walking out of the kitchen to go back to his room. "Muzino." His sister said. He stopped and turned his head just enough to look at her, "what?" "I really think you should do it, you were obsessed with Football up until three years ago.." she looks at the letter on the table, "they still see something in you, even if you did 'quit' it. Besides, you always talk about Football while you're sleeping, it's amazing really." He begins to continue walking to his room. "..I'll think about it, Ryu..."


Three years ago

"How does it feel to win yet another youth leauge championship?" An interviewer asked right after the match. "Instead of feeling excited, i felt empty. Empty at the fact I won.. again." I reply, irritated but camly, "terible." The interviewer looked taken a back, "what do you mean by that, Yukio?" I stared into the rolling camera, "Football isn't fun. It only took the first half for me to score a hat trick. By then, the other team looked completely empty, heart broken. They didn't even try the second half. What I'm trying to say is...

The only one who can beat me, is me. I'm tired of going against you trash."


(That marks the end of the prolouge, it probably felt rushed, but so be it.)

𝗠𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗘𝗴𝗼 - 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸Where stories live. Discover now