'Blue Lock Facility'

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((Disclaimer: there's gonna occasionally be swear words, so if you don't like swear words? Then here's my warning))

Muzino Yukio stands in front of a building. He's wearing a pair of sweats and a long coat. "Turns out I came after all.." he then looks at the building, examining for a second, "guess I better head in then."

Upon entering, he sees a LOT of people. They're standing around, confused about the situation. "The hell is all this?" He stands around, just like all the others. He then spots a black haired teenager accompanied by a white haired teenager. "That's Sennous ace, Okawa. That's Ishikari, the tallest highscooler. That's Nishioka The "Messi of Aomori-" the white haired teenager cuts off as he sees Muzino, "No way! I didn't know Muzino Yukio, 'The Failed Prodigy' would be here!" That brought attention on Muzino, all eyes on him. A vein pops on Muzinos forehead, "the hell did you just call me?"

A voice coughed through a microphone, alerting the people in the room. "Congratulations, you unpolished lumps of talent." All the attention shifted to the man standing on top of a stage, a circle of light pointed at him, making sure everyone knew where to look. He spoke again, "according to my personal judgment, the three hundred of you are the best strikers under eighteen." The room of people start to murmur. "My name is Jinpachi Ego. I was hired to give Japan a World Cup victory." He said it so casually as though it was that easy.

The room broke up into even more confusion. "Who is this guy?" The white haired guy from earlier asked, "do you two know him?" The black haired one responded, "nope. Not at all." Muzino also responded, "not a clue." Muzino then asked, "wait a minute, what's your names? I never got them." The white haired teenager responded, "Names Kira." Muzino then looks at the black haired one. He seemed to be lost in thought. "His names Isagi," Kira answers for him. Muzino nods. "Names Muzino Yukio. But I suppose you already know that considering how great I am." Kiras eyebrow twitches.

Ego swings his arms around. "I'll say this plainly. Only one thing is necessary for Japanese Football to become the best in the world." Muzinos interest grew more. "The brith of a revolutionary striker with the three hundred of you here, I will conduct an experiment to create the world's best striker." Suddenly an image of some shapes with the words 'Blue Lock above it appears behind him. "Look, this is the facility created for that purpose."

"Blue Lock" he says, referring to the image behind him. "Starting today, you'll all be living here together while under going the special training I've devised. You can't return to your homes, and this marks the end of your previous Football careers.." Muzino gets lost in thought, "not like I currently had one going."

The athmosphere is filled with shock, confusion, and.. egoism? "But I promise this.. whoever survives this Blue Lock and outlasts the other two hundred ninety-nine.." he sticks one of his hands in his pocket, "The last remaining person will become..

the world's best striker"

The room is in silence as they gleam at him. A smirk crawled up Muzinos face, "things are getting interesting.. best striker in the world, huh?. That was my dream.."


"What are you doing, Muzino?" Ryu asked in awe. Muzino was standing on the living room couch in a weird posistion, "obviously practicing my celebration after I win the World Cup some day!" He jumped down from the couch. Noel Noa came onto the television screen, his eyes drew to him. The two sat down in front of the TV. "He's pretty amazing, isn't he Muzino." Ryu asked. "Yeah, he is." He said as Noel Noa scored the game winning goal, "don't you wish you could play with him?" Ryu asked as she looked at Muzino her eyes widen a bit as she sees a grin on his face. "playing with him would be fun but..

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