Chapter 1: Convenience Store Trip

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Chapter one: Convenience store trip.
TW: Smoking, reference to GTA, generally crappy city.

You were sitting in your friends room listening to him complain about something, you had been forced to put away your phone by him and listen to him, he was a very dramatic individual, his name was Doi, also known as Punk and Punky.

"And then he was like yOUr nOt cOoL and I wanted to punch him so BAD-" Punky raged and covered his face in a pillow, screaming out his anger. "You got anger issues gurly, am sure of it" you said to him, he just stopped screaming and lifted his face from his pillow "BUT I SPEND LIKE AN HOUR EVERY MORNING TO GET MY HAIR THIS GOOD, DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT TAKES TO GET THIS LOOKING GOOD?!" he gestured to his pink mohawk and sat up.

"Am gonna make you choke of a spicy Dorito you mothe-" "RAWR!!" he jumped off the bed landing on the mattress you were sitting on, basically tackling you "oh goodness gracious-...HAHA YOU FELL INTO MY TRAP NOW I CAN HUG YOU" you screamed as you pulled him down into a hug, you both now laying on the mattress together, you stuck to him like a fridge magnet hugging him "NOOO AFFECTION AHHH-" he screamed since he's not a big fan of any kind of affection and struggled trying to get out of the hug. Side note he especially hates physical affection.

You giggled and let him go, watching as he got up from the mattress "ew, now I reek of your love and affection, I hate love!" He technically wasn't wrong, he wasn't very fond of love itself that's for sure. He stuck out his tongue at you and did a fake angry look.

"Awhh is the little grumpy punk mad?~" you teased and got up from the mattress, brushing yourself off.

You and Punky were around the same height, he wasn't wearing his boots atm so yeah you were around the same height.

Punky scoffed and crossed his arms "am not grumpy! Or little!!!" He looked at you a little more serious this time, you knew how to cheer him up after all these years tho.

"Wanna go to the convenience store nearby? I'll pay." You say, a smug look on your face "yeah!! Let's go!" He automatically grinned at the question and rushed to the front door of his small house, he quickly put on his boots and waited for you to come as well, you came over and put on your shoes "let's go then, punky!" He nodded and closed the door to his house behind you, making sure to lock it.

You then started walking to the store with him.
"Do you have any cigs on you?" Punk asked and looked over to you as you both walked "yeah I think." You reached into you pant pocket and there it was, you took out a cig and a lighter and lit it for him, then handed it over to him, he just nodded and smoked like any other guy would.

The city you lived in was fairly Trashed and it looked like some post-apocalyptic city or a dirty alleyway to some strip club in GTA if you get what I mean.

The smoke from punks cigarette spread about you two as you talk together. "What are you gonna pick out at the store?" You ask curiously "probably just Fizzy milk, I ran out."

"'course, the classic fizzy milk that you think is so go-" "No." He quickly cut you off and shoved the cigarette he was smoking into your mouth instead, it was around halfway finished, you just smoked the cig and said nothing more.

You felt your face heat up a little at the act and you smiled, you finally made it to the convenience store now.

After buying what you two wanted

Punky opened the can of fizzy milk he had bought and straight up chugged it, meanwhile you were here taking small sips of the soda you had bought.

"So what now?" You closed your bottle of soda and looked at punky, you were standing outside the convenience store with him "I don't know-" he replied and shrugged.

"Am gonna go home, cya tomorrow?" "Yeah cya tomorrow Y/n." He says and waves you off.

(EEEEK FIRST CHAPTER DONE!! :D hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, have a great rest of your day/night<3
Also don't mind the fact the fizzy milk is in a can, just..cans- THE CANS-)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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A Spark But Make It Punk - Punk Yellow/Doi x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now