Chapter one

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In the time of magic, dragons, elves, fairies and other mythical creatures, was a kingdom ruled by king Sylvester and Queen Diana. They were blessed with a beautiful blonde baby girl. A unique child with a special gift. Her name is oceanna.

The royal family paid a visit to a dear old friend of theirs, his name is King William. He lost his wife after she gave birth to his two children, namely; Susan and kelvin. King William loves oceanna like his own child. His wife do release oceanna to play with Susan and kelvin.

One day, a spy name Olsen came to king Sylvester. He told the king of a deadly war that sinerik(king Sylvester brother)will bring to his land. The spy said, 'your majesty please you are to leave the kingdom to a safer place where no one knows about for the sake of your daughter' 'you risk your own life to tell me this news. I am forever grateful. You won't leave unrewarded I assure you that. Also, am not a coward to run from a fight? Since it is war sinerik wants. Then it is war he shall get' 'replied king Sylvester. Olsen bow his head and said,' you are too kind sire, but keep the reward. I have to be on my way' 'the spy left. King Sylvester walked to the window and gazed upon the lands beyond the lands, lost in his thought, he didn't hear the footstep of his wife approaching him from behind. She called, 'my king? 'He was brought back to reality. He turn to his wife.' Why do you look so troubled? 'Asked Queen Diana. He told his wife everything. Queen Diana said, 'for a long time peace has reign in this kingdom and now, sinerik wants to rick it of his bitterness. What have we ever done to him for him to hate us to this extent? 'King Sylvester sighed and said, 'I need to look for a place to keep you and oceanna safe until the war is over' 'Queen Diana looked at him with so much worry, 'I will not leave your side Sylvester for better or for worse and don't think you can change my mind or stop me'' .King Sylvester chuckled, 'I won't. But, where will oceanna stay? 'Asked king Sylvester. Diana answered,' she will stay with King William by tomorrow, am taking her to him. I will explain to him and am sure he will understand' 'King Sylvester nodded in agreement.

The next day, Queen Diana took her child to King William. He was glad to see them .He welcome them both. He saw that something is troubling Diana. He asked what was wrong. She told him everything. King William assured Diana that he will take good care of oceanna. Diana was relieved knowing that her daughter is in good hands. She looked at oceanna and hugged her, also kissed her softly on her forehead. Diana whispered, 'always be a good girl''.3year old oceanna was so sad her mom was leaving her. Oceanna hugged her mother and said, 'okay''. Diana left.

The day of the war began. Sinerik men were all over the Sylvester kingdom. Sinerik whispered an order into the ear of the commander and the commander left. Sylvester on the other hand, already ready his men for war. While his wife was taking the people to a secret tunnel where it leads them outside the kingdom. King Sylvester knights were gaining on them when all of a sudden the castle was on fire. King Sylvester had to leave the war field to save his wife. As he was running so hard, he was hearing words of enchantment echoing but that didn't stop him from racing to his wife. He was screaming his wife name at the top of his voice, DIANA!!!!!''.Fireballs began to rain from the sky. Sinerik didn't stop the enchanting words until he was satisfied. Finally, king Sylvester kingdom was burnt to the one survived .The news reached King William. He was depressed. He didn't know how to tell oceanna. Oceanna, kelvin, and Susan were playing at the garden .The maidens came to take the three kids to bathe .Little oceanna was hoping for her mother to come to take her home. After she have been bathed, she went to her room, thinking about her parent. Soon, she fell asleep.

The next morning, oceanna woke up and hurriedly, she ran to King William and said in her tiny voice, 'morning your majesty' 'King William carried oceanna on his lap. He asked, 'did you sleep well?''.Oceanna replied, 'yes I did, your majesty. It was delightful but your majesty, why aren't my parent here to pick me up? Asked oceanna. At such a very young age, oceanna was a sharp girl. The king knew that she will ask that question and there is no way he can escape it. ''Ahem.......err.......em........oceanna your parent couldn't make it out of the war''.Oceanna felt a sharp pain in her chest when she heard the news. She cried and walked away. Kelvin and Susan met oceanna at the doorway to her room. Kelvin rushed to her and said, 'Anna! C'mon you have got to.............Anna? Are you alright?''. Susan smacked him at the back of his head. "OUCH! What was that for' 'exclaimed kelvin. 'How can you be such a dumb. The answer is right in front of you. 'Said Susan. 'What are you talking about? 'Asked kelvin. The both of them were in the verge of argument. 'WOULD YOU TWO STOP IT! 'Screamed oceanna.''Sorry' 'said Susan and kelvin in unison. They felt bad. They went and sat beside oceanna'.Why are you weeping?'' asked Susan. Oceanna stammered,''.....m.....m...m... (She hiccupped) my p... Parent are gone' 'Susan and kelvin were shocked to hear the news. They sympathize with her. For two weeks, oceanna mourn the death of her parent.

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