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"Scott, what the hell are we doing out here?"

"Don't worry it's gonna be fun." he reassured his now Alpha best friend.

"Dude, we're not looking for another dead body are we?....Scott?"

Scott turned around to face Stiles as his ringer was going off."Let me see your phone." Scott held out his hand.

"Hold on I need to text Lydia back." Stiles' fingers start moving at a frantic speed.

"Wasn't a question." Scott snatched it before Stiles could send the text out.

"Dude, you know how Lydia gets when I don't text back."

"Exactly. If you want the phone, take it." Scott's eyes turn red as they stood under the moonlight. Before Stiles could reach for the phone Scott took off running.

"You can't outrun me anymore." His eyes turn red and he takes off after Scott. He catches up in no time but only because Scott lets him. They chase each other through the woods dodging trees and doing some free running at the same time. Scott was training Stiles. They had been running for a while. Somewhere around an hour into it Stiles hears his phone ring again in Scott's pocket. Knowing it's probably Lydia he pushes his limits and tackles Scott to the ground.

"Alright alright. Get off me." Scott yells in amusement. Stiles lets him up only to see him take off again. "Sike!" he yells back at Stiles.

Stiles expected such, that's why when he tackled him he snatched his phone from Scott's pocket. He looks at the phone four missed calls and four texts. Two calls from Lydia, one from his dad, and another from kira. As for texts:

Lydia: Why aren't you answering for me.

Lydia: Is something wrong?

Lydia: Oh God, something's wrong isn't it?

Kira: Is Scott with you?

"You could probably take a page from Kira's book on not panicing, Lydia." he spoke to himself as he dialed Lydia."Babe, I'm fine...."


Scott had noticed Stiles wasn't behind him and that his phone was gone so he started to check his own phone. Six missed calls from Lydia, Kira, Kira, Derek, Liam, Kira, in that order. And he had seven missed texts reading:

Lydia: If Stiles is with you tell him I'm gonna kill him.

Kira: Where are you.

Kira: Answer me, please.

Kira: OMG!

Kira: Please just tell me you are ok.

Kira: I'm gonna call Derek.

Derek: Dude, take my number out of your girlfriend's phone.

Scott laughed a bit and then immediately stopped and listened to his surroundings. He was deep in the woods by now, deeper than any human had ever gone. He knew someone was near but they had a new scent so he could tell It wasn't Stiles. Who or whatever it was wasn't friendly, he could sense mischief on them so he shifted.

"Wooooo, take a look at this boys." a group of hunters stepped out of the shade surrounding Scott. "What you think he's worth to the Society." He spoke with a southern accent.

"An Alpha's worth anywhere around half a mil. Seein as he's a lone wolf too, a rare sight, I'd say a million altogether." another guy spoke.

"Who said I was alone." Scott threw his head back letting out a huge roar.


"Lydia, I'm fine Scott and I are just out for a run."

"I don't hear Scott."

"Yeah I kinda lost h...."

Stiles hears Scotts roar and stops.

"Was that him?"


"Why's he roaring?" she's confused.

"He's in trouble."


"Wow, listen to the lungs on this one. Tommy bag him. Tommy? Where the hell's Tommy. Yushi get this asshole. Yushi?" His people were dissapearing one by one. "What the hell happened to my team?" He gets confused.

"Like I said." Scott saw a pair of glowing red eyes appear behind the man. "I'm not alone."

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh." He screamed in fear being snatched into the darkness.
A N: So part two. What do you think. Sorry everything is underlined I'll fix it later. A thank you and good night.

Stiles: Season IIWhere stories live. Discover now