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A/N: So this idea randomly came into my head one night while I was reading Wattpad fanfics. I named their daughter Caroline because I thought the name reminded me of the name Carlos yet it still gave off the same prim and proper vibes as the name Jane. I named Cameron after Cameron Boyce. It took me a lot of time to come up with this story so please do not repost, or copy this idea without my permission. This story is dedicated to Cameron Boyce. Rip Cameron, you were taken from us too soon.

Carlos De Vil woke up to see his beautiful wife sleeping beside him. Jane. Carlos brushed away a lock of brown hair that was covering the girl's face. They had gotten married three years ago at the age of 20. They had a small wedding that only included their closest friends and family. But it was everything Carlos and Jane had ever wanted. A year later they had found out they were expecting their first child. The couple was overjoyed but very nervous at the thought of raising a kid while still in college. But they knew that as long as they were together, it would be alright. 9 months later they welcomed their son, Cameron De Vil into the world. He was a very happy baby, he rarely cried and it was not surprising to see him smiling. Carlos and Jane both successfully graduated college while raising their son. Cam was now one year old. He had white hair with brown roots, sky blue eyes, a wide smile, dozens of freckles, Jane's nose, Carlos's eye shape, and Jane's face shape. Life was almost perfect.

Carlos didn't want to wake Jane from her sleep, she always looked so peaceful. And while she was just as beautiful when she was awake, Carlos had never seen her more relaxed then when she was asleep. However, it was quite the opposite for Carlos, his days were filled with joy and love while his nights were filled with terror and bad memories. His mother had been abusive while he was on the Isle, and even after all of these years it still affected him.

Carlos wrote her a quick note explaining that he was going to take Dude on a walk. He gave Jane one last glance and a light kiss on her forehead before quietly exiting the room. He found Dude lounging on the couch.

"Dude, you want to go for a walk?" Carlos asked the dog, he reached out to pet the mutt.

Dude jumped up on Carlos and barked. After years of being able to talk, Mal finally found a way to take away Dude's ability to speak.

"I'll take that as a yes." Carlos chuckled and attached the leash to Dude's collar.

The dog and owner walked out of the house and headed toward a nearby park. The sun was still rising when Carlos decided it would probably be a good idea to get home before Jane wakes up. Carlos started to walk in the direction of his home when something hit him in the back of his head. He felt himself start to slip out of consciousness. He heard Dude bark wildly, before everything went fully black.


It was around 7:30 in the morning when Jane woke up. She could feel the heat of the sunlight on her face. Jane reached out to her left, but only felt air. Her eyes opened to see a note replacing her husband.

I'm taking Dude for a walk. I will be back soon. I love you and Cam. I will see you around 8:00

Jane smiled, picked up the note and placed it on her nightstand. She walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen. Just as Jane was about to place a few plates on the table, she was overcome with a wave of nausea. She ran to the bathroom and vomited.

It wasn't uncommon for Jane to feel nauseous, it had been happening for the past couple weeks, Jane just didn't like that it wasn't stopping.

"Mama.." a voice called, it sounded tired and small.
Jane turned around to see her son, Cameron, standing in the doorway rubbing his eyes with one hand while clutching a stuffed dog in the other.

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