You again!

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I was at Heist searching for something to wear, when I had noticed a guy walk into the store, he looked very familiar to me, I just ignored and kept on searching threw the clothing lines for something more age appropriate that I could at least wear

Toni: Jesus!! Can't nobody ever find anything to wear around here *searching threw the rails*

I was going threw the rail for some nice tights, but I couldn't find anything I turned around and there he was, standing right in front of me

Toni: You again!??

I folded my arms and looked up straight at him

Trey: Well hi to you to

He had just stood there and observed me with his eyes

Looking at this woman I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, I kept on staring and then I started observing her with my eyes, she looked like she was in her early thirties

Toni: Can you like get the hell out of my way!!?

She stood there angry with her folded arms looking up right at me, this woman was trying me out here, I just couldn't stop staring at her, her lips looked so deliciously tasteful that I just wanted to kiss her, but I knew she wasn't gonna allow me just like that, I had to earn it someway

Trey: If that's how you ask, then no!

Toni: *glowering* Agh... *pushes him*

She pushed me out the way, but I just refused to let her go just like that, it took her a few tries and looks before I actually moved and let her get past me

Toni: Can you please leave me alone! Am way to old for lust games like this

Trey: Who said anything about lust? I simply just wanna get to know you!

She gave me a little contempt look, and I just smiled at her making her a little mad

He was really working his way up my nerves I just turned away and went to search the next rail, as I was searching there he was leaning over with his left shoulder on the edge of the rail staring at me and observing me

Toni: *annoyed* Don't you have anything better to do, then to observe me?

Trey: Not is better then observing your body&beauty!

Toni: How old do you think I am?

Trey: Probably around 31 and 35

Toni: *fake laugh* You must be joking me, right?

Trey: Am serious! How old are you then?

Toni: How old are you?

Trey: Am 30 and how old are you?

Toni: I think the unknown is best

Trey: Ok! Well then I'll just keep helping you look for that prefect dress, because I know just what dress you need, you need *searching threw rails*

The man was there helping me look for something to wear for tonight's party and the dress he pulled out was actually really amazing, I can't lie but the man really has some style, but this still didn't attach me to him in anyway our age difference he just had to understand that am way to old for his liking better yet lusty games

Trey: Go try it on!

Toni: Are you telling me or asking me?

Trey: Am telling you now go try it on!

I had just grabbed the dress and went into the fitting rooms and tried the dress on and I really liked it

Trey: Come on out, I wan'a see ya'!

He had just been so annoying that I gave up with him, I went out and showed him how I looked

Jesus! When I saw this woman I couldn't believe my eyes she was just sexy&curvy in all types of ways I couldn't explain

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