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"Hmm...I didn't even know Berkshire knew how to write."
Lilianna woke up very early that morning. The sun was barely up when she had got up her bed and got ready for the day.
Her blue eyes shimmered magnificently over her reflection as she tightened up the last ribbon to her dress.
Three loud knocks were heard from outside her door and Olivia, their family maid, went inside politely.
"Mademoiselle has a letter from member of Sacred Twenty-Eight, Ma'am," announced the helper, making Lilian look up from her study and frown.
She hardly knew anyone from the Sacred Twenty-Eight nor rarely talk to any member if she could recall right.
"Oh, which family's it from?" She asked curiously, her house elves helping her get ready the moment she got up from the chair.
"The Berkshire family, Mademoiselle," Olivia said in a clipped voice. "Um, from the Berkshire family's heir, Monsieur Lorenzo Berkshire,"
Lilian's eyes widened from the name.
She didn't even know Lorenzo was a member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. As Olivia handed her the letter and went out at once, Lilian quickly read what written on the envelope.
TheeVineyard, Monte Carlo San Jerome 28 Grimmauld Place To: Lilianna Ellis
Carefully and with gentleness, the young girl pulled out the paper and slowly began to read, not noticing the pink blush on her cheeks and her lips curling upward.
Dear Lily,
It's weird, writing a letter because this is my first time ever to write unless taking down notes in Hogwarts, and you'll probably be surprised I actually take down notes during classes. But I really want to thank you for saving me from the basilisk last year. It was frightening, and I'm still petrified over the fact of how I nearly died. It must have been hard work defeating a creature you haven't seen before nor you are familiar with. So how about as a sign of thank you, I treat you out for dinner tomorrow? Meet me at the spaghetti hut just down the street tomorrow at exactly 7 p.m.
I'll be waiting.
Yours Truly, Lorenzo
Lilianna threw her head back and laughed.
The letter was so awkward and full of effort, she just had to agree. Pulling out a piece of parchment and a quill, Lily wrote him back.
Dinner sounds nice. I'll meet you there by 7.
With Love, Lily
It wasn't like they were going on a date, just taking a grub of dinner. But Lilianna could hardly care less.