Chapter 1

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• • • Chicago, May 1922 • • •

"You must know it is impolite to spy on people."

Delphine's shoulders tense. Slowly she gets up and turns to the owner of the voice while doing her best to keep her caught expression in line. Her breath catches in her throat when she sees the handsome young man standing within ten inches of her.

The man was wearing evening attire, as all the customers did. He is well built without being too muscular. His blond curls had been smoothed back with pomade, and his blue eyes studied her curiously. A warm feeling settled itself into Delphine's stomach, she blamed it on her embarrassment.

Remembering where she was, in her aunt's establishment, she puts on a dazzling smile, one she had been told could make any boy swoon, she hoped dearly it would also work on this man, she'd rather not get in trouble.

"I apologize, sir. Please do not tell my auntie, she will have a right fit." Delphine whispers, throwing furtive glances over the balustrade of the balcony she and the stranger were standing on.

Delphine had known it was wrong to spy, but she had gotten tired of practicing the spells her aunt had explained to her, and the cozy sounds of chattering and the soft jazz music had lured her away from the dusty grimoires. Before she knew it, she was here, kneeling on the ground, viewing the customers who seemed to have a much better time than herself.

Her aunt had been performing this evening and Delphine always loved to watch her. She had such flair and elegance and always seemed happier whilst on the stage. Not only her aunt but also the guests enjoyed the music on this warm May evening. The relaxed atmosphere was further emphasized by the alcohol that flowed freely, giggle water as her uncle called it.

"And who exactly is your aunt?" The man asks, eyebrow raised. His eyes narrow briefly without the girl noticing. A strange feeling had been pulling at him all evening and only now it has stopped, he refuses to believe that the feeling had drawn him to this location, this girl.


The man takes on a ponderous expression before a grin makes its way to his face.

"I suppose it can be our little secret but I am curious as to why are you are not dancing down there when you are all dolled up?" The man gestures at Delphine's sparkling dress, it had been a gift from her uncle for her eighteenth birthday last week. The girl looked ravishing but he thought better of it than to tell her, not wanting to scare the young thing off.

Delphine ignores the man's comment and hand gesture, not willing herself to get excited over this man's attention.

"Gloria says it is best to stay away from unfamiliar... people" Delphine almost said 'men' but managed to correct herself in the last second, not wanting to give the stranger the impression that she was still a kid.

"We've been chatting for a good five minutes now, I can not be that unfamiliar now, can I?" The man wears a teasing grin. He had already decided not to kill the lovely creature before him. If she was like Gloria, she too would become a powerful witch, hopefully without the attitude. This young woman fascinated him as well as the strange warm sensation that went through him when she looked him in the eyes, it was enchanting and the thought of hurting her caused an irritable twinge at his insides spark up.

"I suppose not." Delphine nods before a cheeky smile makes its way to her face. She was acutely aware of the closeness she had to the man and she could practically feel the warmth radiate from his body. If she took a step they would be chest to chest, a mental image that reddened Delphine's cheeks slightly. "My name is Delphine."

"Woman from Delphi... My name is Niklaus, you may call me Klaus or Nik." Niklaus makes a dismissive hand gesture before holding it out for her, an expectant look on his face. "Now that's out of the way. Come."

"No, thank you." Despite Delphine's curiosity towards Niklaus she had to decline, it was the social norm. "My aunt-"

"It will be fine, I'm sure your aunt won't object. I happen to be a very decent chap." Niklaus still looks at Delphine not liking how she had rejected his initial request. He would make Gloria suffer if the witch even tried to keep the lovely girl away from him.

"Isn't that something non-decent chaps would also say?" Delphine teases.

Niklaus smirks, enjoying her cheek. "Right you are. But you must allow me a chance to prove myself."

"Very well." Delphine feigns reluctance as she tentatively places her hand in Niklaus's. She bites back a content sigh as the warm hand enclasps her own.

• • • New Orleans, present-day • • •

With a jolt, Florence awakens. She blinks her eyes before realizing she had fallen off the bed. She gazes up at the ceiling of her hotel room wishing she could see the rest of the scene, to see more of Delphine and Niklaus's first moments. Florence recalls previous dreams of Delphine talking to Niklaus in Gloria's bar, but their first meeting had been a mystery to her until now.

"Illinois?" Florence mutters confusedly as she scrambles to her feet, stretching her sore back. She didn't understand how, but she suddenly knew that Gloria's bar was in Illinois, Chicago to be exact. Florence shakes her head a little, she'd given up trying to find logic in her dreams weeks ago. There were nights when she could barely remember anything and other nights when she would be overwhelmed with details.

Perhaps her parents had been right, she must be insane. Florence couldn't understand why she'd traveled all this way when her dreams now led her to Chicago. Florence resolves to do some digging on the name Gloria in Illinois, now that she had a more precise location she might come up with some results.

Still a bit dazed, Florence stumbles to the balcony doors of her hotel room. The fresh air did her good, as always. Leaning over the balcony, she looks down at the crowd of people in the streets below. It was still fairly early but everyone already seemed to be on their way, it was market day.

She had chosen this hotel based on her memories of New Orleans. Miraculously she had managed to recognize the building despite the many renovations. She had been surprised the building still existed but then reminded herself New Orleans was filled with old buildings, the city breathed history.

Florence takes a last deep breath before heading back to her bed, not bothering to close the balcony door, enjoying the lively sounds. She lets herself fall onto the soft mattress. Wriggling around, her eyes land on the cellphone she had planted on the nightstand the night before.

She had turned it off the moment she had left home and had not bothered to turn it back on. The last thing Florence wanted was to be bothered by calls from her mother. She felt somewhat bad for leaving her mother, surely the woman had been panicking, tearful as she often was, but her mother's doting would not exactly help Florence's mission.

Of course, Florence had left a note, she wasn't heartless but nothing more than that. No tearful goodbye or a long explanation. No, Florence wouldn't go back, not without answers. The dreams vexed her for a reason and she would discover what that reason was.


Hello dearest reader,

This story will have some parts of the original timeline/tvd storyline but will deviate quite a bit, and the original storyline will be more in the background. Please forgive any small inconsistencies and enjoy the story.

Oh and no face claims, it is up to your imagination the only thing that might be mentioned is hair color and height difference. Ethnicity, body type, eye color, facial features, etc are up to your imagination (like in all of my books) :).

Lots of love,

Anemoia • Mikaelsons mateWhere stories live. Discover now