Too Awkward - Hyunsung

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⊘ Cursing - inappropriate words ⊘

⊘ The scenario might be toxic to some readers ⊘

- Tiny fluff
- Angst
- Cringey

Ship : Hyunsung

(Hyunjin x Jisung)

Author's pov :

He just sat there on the couch with no care to the world, a show on the TV catching all his attention. It's the weekend, he normally spends the day with his boyfriend, on a date or just staying in their shared apartment and cuddle. But weird enough, his boyfriend was out of sight.

"Jinnie? Where are you going?"

Jisung asked, noticing his boyfriend who came from upstairs dressed up and going to wear his shoes near the door step. He seemed to be in a hurry, and all dressed up, his hair styled perfectly and his outfit was so attractive. He definitely was planing to catch people's eyes.

"I'm going out with my friends to the arcade, do you want somthing from the store while i'm out?"

"But Jinnie....., Can i come with you?"

Hyunjin looked up towards his boyfriend whose seated on the couch, raising an eyebrow in the process to him. His boyfriend doesn't go out anywhere without him, something Hyunjin doesn't understand about his boyfriend. And when ever they talk, it's always Hyunjin talking and Jisung listening. Don't get him wrong, he likes it that way. He appreciates when Jisung listens to him, it proves to Hyunjin that his boyfriend is way too intersted in him. But it's always him who got stories about him and his friends to tell and Jisung just sits and listen. Jisung would rather spend his only free day with his boyfriend than sit alone at home.

"You sure? You take a long time to get ready, and it's the first time you'll meet them"

"I'll be fine...... Don't worry.. , I will get ready very soon! Just please wait for me.."

He said as he went running towards the stairs, to get ready as fast as possible so his boyfriend isn't late to his hang out with his friends. Hyunjin just sighed and accepted that Jisung feels a little too clingy today.

"Don't run on the stairs Jisung!"

"Sorry Jinnie!"


"Come on Sung, were already so late because of you!"

"Oh come on, I only took 15 minutes to get ready, we still have another 15 minutes to get there!"

"Still... I'm always on time, Ji"

"Then let's go before we are actaully late!"

The male said as he draged his boyfriend out of their shared appartment before he continue nagging him.

Half way in the car, Hyunjin noticed that his boyfriend is very nervous, fiddeling with his fingers and biting his nails, while bouncing his leg up and down, those were clear signs of Jisung's anxiety, Hyunjin put his hand on Jisung's leg, to stop it from moving. And squeezed his thigh for reassurance. He was still driving so he kept his eyes on the road and spoke.

"Don't worry, they'll like you. I'm sure of it.."


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