Germaphobe - Seungsung

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⊘ Cursing - inappropriate words ⊘

⊘ Germaphobia/Mysophobia ⊘ :

It's when someone fears micro-organisms and dirt. They may take extreme steps to stay clean by handwashing excessively and using a lot of hand sanitizer and antibacterial products. Psychologists may diagnose a fear of germs as a specific phobia, which is a kind of anxiety disorder.

⊘ Germaphobe ⊘ :

A person with an extreme fear of germs and an obsession with cleanliness.

- Fluff
- Slight Angst
- Cringe Af

Ship : Seungsung

(Seungmin x Jisung)

Author's pov :

With his headphones blasting music into his ears and hands stuffed inside his hoodie's pockets, Kim Seungmin walked down the streets of Seoul with absolute no care to the real world.

His brain completely only focused on the music. The tune, the lyrics, the vibe. He always had it in him, he knew how much his passion for music is.

Sadly, he couldn't follow his dreams with his phobia. He could not find one studio clean enough or even a person who Seungmin can stand for atleast an hour.

And even if the music was almost everything to him, he couldn't get over his fear.

The thought of those unclean places, the amount of dirty hands that has touched it, he was sure they didn't clean it well enough.

He stopped at the green light of the traffic light, his mind slowly going blank and not noticing how the light turned from green to yellow, and finally turned back to red.

He didn't notice the people passing him, he didn't notice the light changing again, or even the cars that was back in motion.

Then his legs moved on their own, and his blank mind definitely had no control over it.

There were several people beside him bewildered by his movement, calling out for him and even shouting as their screams didn't reach out to him. He was already past the pavement.

And what bought Seungmin back to reality was how hands took hold of the back of his hoodie and pulled him back to the pavement.

As he was about to curse and see who even dared to touch him, even go as far as grab him, Seungmin's eyes widened as a car went infront of him in the speed of light.

And by the look of that car, Seungmin definitely wouldn't have survived the crash.

The window opened and the reckless driver screamed insults all while his car did a turn and went into another street.

"Watch where you're goin'!!!"

He stood there for a while, registering what just happened. His mind almost going back to blank again. And breathing was getting slightly hard under his mask.

"What the fuck..."

I almost died.

"Hey.. You ok?"

Seungmin turned around, unable to be mad at the person that grabbed him just now.

Was it because he just saved his life? Or was it because he was the most adorable person Seungmin has ever seen?

No, no.. Even if the person had saved him, Seungmin would have still cursed him inside out for touching him without permission.

But.... He, was unable to?

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