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I said it once and i'll say it again, the scene with the recoms, un italics ir english and italics is navi, but everywhere else navi is just simple font, speaking through the bond or with signs is in italics, since that happens in this chapter, wink wink]

Tarian hissed at him, his stomach contracting shooting a pain up his spine.


Muttered Quritch, Tarian looked at him like he was the stupidest thing on earth.

"Daywalker?" Tarian hissed again, trying to hide his arm behind his back, which went noticed by the soldier who has holding him, cause he immediately grabbed his arm, the robotic limb bending in unnatural directions, making the navi kids hiss around him.

Quaritch looked at it, following the stretch of his arm, eyes catching familiar tattoos, his eyes flashed with recognition, bingo.

"Well i'll be damned.. You were supposed to be our escort daywalker, when they'd told me that the guy that would've had to guide us ran off for some local tail, I almost laughed at the irony."

The southern tint to his voice delivering his lines perfectly, at the codename Tarian hissed, Lo'ak looking at him weirdly.

Quaritch grabbed his chin.

"What you think they'd do to you if we brought you back?" Tarians eyes widened, he flicked his tail to the side, mind racing, his eyes turning vulnerable, he looked up at Quaritch.

"How did it feel to betray the right side?" Tarian looked at him, teeth barred, he moved his non grabbed hand and carried it to his bandage.

Tarian was a soldier.

You know what they say about soldiers, you can take the soldier out of the field, but you can never take the field out of the soldier. He was grieved by constant paranoia which led him to holding several knives on his person. Tarian 1, Quaritch 0. Put his hand on his stomach, feigning pain.

"Oh? You're getting weak 03"

"burn in hell, blue dickhead"

Tarian muttered, Grabbing the small dagger which was wrapped snug between the bandages in his fingers, hidden in plain sight. He quickly brought it to the hand holding his que and stabbed it into the hand, led by a scream of pain from the man holding him. He lunged out of the mans grasp, the pain of his que being pulled lost through the mist of the pain in his abdomen and adrenaline. He jumped onto Quaritch, taking him into a choke hold, pulling his robotic hand out of his grasp. He took the dagger and stabbed it into Quaritch's shoulder, the only place he was able to successfully hit, not deep as the dagger was small seeing as he was dropped to the ground by the seething colonel. He hissed, seeing an arrow launch into one of the other soldiers. Neytiri's, they would be saved. He noticed the other kids running, he looked to Quaritch who was holding his shoulder which was gushing blood.

"I'll find you 03" He grinned which caused Tarian to put on a shit eating crazed smirk, not even caring if any navi saw this and thought of him as crazed.

"You can find me as many times as you want Miles, but i remind you of someone, dont i? someone you led to their dea-" Quaritch was looking at him, his eyes wide. Clambering to an offensive stance he lunged at Tarian, punching his face repeatedly, Tarian grabbed at his que, his long nails stabbing it, which caused Quaritch to scream. Tarian looked around, everyone was gone, shit, the helicopter would be back soon- He started wrangling out of Quaritch's strong frame, socking him in the jaw. Taking his dagger again and plunging it into Quaritch's abdomen. He stumbled out, distantly hearing a yelling match between Quaritch and Neytiri, running through the forest following whatever sounds he could hear, as the adrenaline was wearing of he realised, he was gonna be killed by Max.

He felt nothing but pain, stumbling catching onto branches. His abdomen a fiery pain.


He yelled, even though he knew it might cause him to reveal his position.

It felt as though fire had spread through his body, burning every muscle that yearned to move, but he couldn't stop, he kept running as if he knew where to run, he finally broke, pain consuming his entire being. The bushes rustled, Tarian held on to the crooked fantasy that after finding out exactly what he was they wouldn't abandon him, that they would take him back, he cracked his neck towards the rustling, the muscles in his legs screaming at him to stop, to rest, his que burned, but it was fine, in tact was the best he could hope for, and that it was, the thick layered bandage which rest on his stomach had bled through, the strain causing the thin scab on it to break and flood the pure white with a corruptive red.

From the bushes emerged a Thanator, ah, right, he was weak, he was thanator lunch. Tarian braced himself for the pain to come but it never did, maybe the thanator had been merciful and led him to eywa painlessly, he waited, he waited for the leathery sound its skin makes when it lunges but it never came, he cracked open his eyes, even his eyelids protesting as if they had also somehow been exhausted.

And there it stood. The black leather death machine of Pandoras forests, head bowed to Tarians crumbled shape, its que...extended?

"Hi.." It walked closer to him. Tarians position wasn't very commanding of respect, he had fallen to the ground crumpled on the floor, yet it walked to him. He took his que in his arm, stretching it to the Thanators and he felt his pupils dilating.

"I see you" he signed

He stumbled, using the Thanator as a standing stool and finally got onto it.

"Do you know where they are"

Tarian hadn't a clue in the fucking world how the thanator would understand what 'they' meant, but it understood, taking off as Tarian laid sluggishly atop its mighty back.

It was incredibly fast, reaching a pile of shrubbery quickly, from which you could hear the voices.

"Where is spider?"

"They took him!" The voice of Kiri replied. At this point Tarian hopped off from the thanator, bowing at it slightly in a

"Thank you, friend" fashion

" he's a good kid, he'll be fine."

Quickly Neteyam said "Where's Tarian?"

"He ran off somewhere, he could be anywhere- they coulve taken him!" Lo'ak replied, out of breath, as if on queue Tarian fell to the ground from his barely standing position, his blood loss surpassing any training he could have ever endured, the family's heads snapped towards his position, not seeing exactly who's there, Jake walked forward, axe brandished.

He pulled apart the bushed quickly, gasping when he saw Tarian.

"Riri!" Neteyam yelled. Running up but not as near as his father.

"Kid where the fu-hell-" he corrected himself for Tuk's sake.

"I'm- i- " he stumbles, his ears ringing and head full of molasses.

"i cant..i cant feel my legs.." he mutters, making Jake tense up, hist fist curling up as he looked at the young boy.

"Why the fuck does this keep happening to me" Tarian whispered, his right eye closed from the black eye he had gained.

"I kept them safe, i did it Jake."

"You did, you did, we need to get you home- god how did Max even let you leave"

"..bribery?" Tarian chuckled, feeling himself get picked up by Jake in, once again, a bridal style.

"How did you even get into the shrubbery?" Jake asked, again climbing onto Bob, causing Tsrian to chuckle at the similarities between this and when he was impaled.

"The thanator helped me" He mumbled airily, Jake looked at him, then looking at Neytiri if she heard it, she did, she looked at Tarian


"Yeah, he was nice" Tarian smiled, his eyes clouding over, finally closing slowly, followed by sounds of alarm from Jake

"Max is gonna kill me" Tarian mumbled. Then he passed out, smiling.

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