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A man, about 5'7, stood at a fairly large library desk. He tapped his fingers against what seemed to be his own desk. The time was around 7:00 am, when the library had just opened. It was foggy out, and extremely cold. The man at the desk covered his caped shoulders with a heavy coat. He sighed to himself. "You know, I don't even know why I run this library... No one ever comes in here anyway." He sighed, crossing his arms on the desk.

"Well~!" his assistant chimed, twirling a book around in her arms, "Maybe people don't like books!!" The peppy woman chimed. "Well a criminal comes in every so often! It must mean something! Maybe–" The librarian gestured his hands, abruptly getting cut off. "Give it up Naven. It doesn't MEAN anything! No one likes books! " The man's assistant huffed, crossing her arms in a mimicry way. "You're right Yoomtah.. It doesn't matter." Naven huffed and rested his head on his desk, as his assistant, Yoomtah, patted his back.

A loud knock rose from the door, and Naven lifted his head from the desk to bolt to the door and open it almost IMMEDIATELY. "Yoomtah! A visitor! COME IN!" Yoomtah rolled her eyes. She didn't want to be wrong– Especially in this argument, Naven opened the door, peering through the doorway for a split second. He always had been unsure of himself and leaving the door open because of the recent rise in criminal activity, so he had to check himself. He never saw the people who stood at the door, so he assumed brightly that they weren't here to harm anyone!

At the door stood Mera Salamin, and her loyal lapdog knight, Indus Tarbella. "Hello! Welcome to the towns library, also known as the only fine establishment in town! I keep this place as clean as possible!" Naven smiled, holding the door open for Mera and Indus. Mera took a glance around, sweeping an inch of dust off one of the shelves. "Heh- I didn't expect such dutiful visitors today, or I would have deep cleaned better!" Naven played with his ponytail anxiously. Yoomtah, who observed, thought it was odd to see Naven nervous. He was always so matter of fact.. It was weird. Yoomtah popped a breath mint into her mouth, graciously supplied from the jar on Naven's desk. Naven, touring Mera and Indus around, sweetly smiling to her as he passed.

"This town is run down anyway," Mera mused. "I'm glad to see something around here has a budget of more than three pennies and a lollipop stick." Naven nodded, smiling nervously. Mera held her hand out to Naven to shake. Naven shook Mera's hand. Mera was glad to meet Naven. He was like a good condition dress amongst the ugliest dresses she's ever seen. Diamond in the rough. Fanciness amongst hobos who asked for money on the side of the road or something. "Yes, some people aren't the brightest," Naven sighed. "What leads you here, your majesty?"

Mera honestly forgot she was of high stature for this entire conversation. "I was just exploring around." Mera said, basically a runaway from her home. Yoomtah was right, but she didn't know that yet. Mera didn't want to talk about it. "Yes yes, exploration! Quite the activity," Naven smiled, sweetly. "Tourists don't come here often, so i'm shocked you'd come around here."
"Yes! Quite the delight to be here." Mera grinned. Naven turned to resume his work, but still turned to Mera. "I'd assume you'd have to get home, it's quite early to be out here."

"I understand, yet I have just started exploring.. I'll go back eventually." Mera huffed, twirling a strand of hair. "Okay!" Naven smiled, as Mera and Indus went to leave. "If you need anything, feel free to return!" Mera smiled and nodded, leaving with Indus trailing behind.

Finding this library here was like finding gold in a coal mine.

Too good to be true.

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