Chapter 1

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The slow crackle of fire echoed faintly as I opened my eyes, wincing at the dull pain in my back. Where was I? I clearly remembered going to bed near midnight, and there was nothing that could have explained why I was somehow sleeping on a cold stone floor.

I winced as I sat up, looking at my surroundings as a million possibilities ran through my head. Had I been kidnapped? That was the only realistic scenario. Everything felt too real to be a dream.

But why was I brought here of all places? And what did they want with me in particular?

I shuddered, trying to figure out where I was.

The room was massive, with wide sprawling arches that led up to a ceiling that had to have been at least the height of a five story building. Imposing stone statues were placed around the room in a circular fashion, surrounding a large throne that nearly went up to the ceiling. The statues looked like medieval knights of sorts, some wielding swords while others held halberds and axes in both hands. Everything was masterfully carved, better than anything I've ever seen. If brought back home, they would have been declared a miracle of art, probably sent off to a fancy museum somewhere.

"Hello...?" I called out hesitantly, nervously clutching the corner of my shirt. I half expected to wake up at any moment, even though this definitely did not feel like a dream.

I waited for a few moments, but there was no response. It seemed like I was the only one here.

I scanned the room again, looking for something, anything that would reassure me. A way out, a person that would come and laugh, tell me this was all a prank...

There! A stone door sat at the far end of the room. The light around it had strangely dimmed, making it hard to spot. I felt some semblance of relief. At least there was a way out.

I made my way over, a sinking feeling in my stomach as I realized it was handleless. I grunted as I pushed it hard, desperately hoping it opened from the inside.

No luck.

"Hello?" I called out again, banging on the door. It was massive, nearly five times my size and covered in weird inscriptions and swirling patterns. Why did they build a door this big? What even required such a big door to get in and out?

I took two deep breaths, trying my best to calm down as I scanned in the room once again.

The empty throne. The pale flickering blue flames that gave the room an eerie glow. The stone statues arranged neatly around the room. Something about this seemed awfully familiar...

"Monster detected in close proximity to the host..."

Suddenly, a strange mechanical voice reverberated throughout my head.


"Analysis complete. Monster determined to be compatible with the system."

"The skill "Summon" has been unlocked..."

"Wha?" I jumped, scanning the area around me. Nobody was there. But I definitely heard a voice earlier!

"Hello?" I called out, feeling unsettled. "I-Is anyone there?"

"Hello," The voice replied, sounding just as monotone as earlier.

I looked around, spinning to try to find the source of the voice. Just like before, there was nobody there. Instead of coming from a person, it felt as if it was something inside me, communicating with my brain directly. No! This was impossible. None of this made any sense!

"Hello." The voice replied again, sounding almost amused. "I am the system."


"I am the system." The voice repeated. "I am the system tied to you, the line connecting these two worlds together. I know you must have questions, but it may be quickest to show you. Say "open system" to open the interface."

Somehow, I became the final boss (Solo Leveling)Where stories live. Discover now