Ch 4

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Sung Il-Hwan paced angrily around the interrogation cell, staring at the captured monster bound in chains. She looked to be in her early twenties, not much older than his son. Even with the two horns poking out from her hair, It was hard to imagine she was the one who just massacred an entire party and killed three of his hunters.

"So." He growled, taking a seat directly across my cell. "I'm sure you're wondering why you're still here."

The monster remained silent, staring angrily at him.

"Now, now, there's no reason to treat our guest like this!" A voice outside the room placated, behind the barricaded door. The man watching through the glass was the minister of defense, working directly for the government of Korea. "She's just a young girl, can't you tell?"

This monster killed three of my hunters!" Il Hwan struggled to contain his anger. "But... the association has decided you are useful."

"Not necessarily." The minister replied carefully. "The association itself deems you dangerous, and wishes you dead. It was my decision to work with you." He emphasized the word slowly.

"As you know, the world is not as peaceful as it once was. It's clear that the old world order is beginning to collapse, and a new paradigm will rise from its ashes. Even as we speak, countless portals are opening around the globe, with the number rising each month. However, those that position themselves correctly will find themselves able to take advantage of this change."

He smiled.

"I want you to work for me." The minister said simply. "In the event you cooperate, I will ensure you get a full pardon for any crimes you have committed in the past. You'll also become a citizen, able to enjoy the freedoms this country has to offer."

"What?" Il Hwan shouted, turning angrily to the minister. "She cannot be allowed to roam free! This is unprecedented!"

"Quiet." The minister snapped, turning back to the girl. "What are your thoughts?"

"It's certainly something I am willing to consider. " The monster nodded. "But if I refuse...?"

"That's entirely possible, of course. You'll be handed off to the fiend guild, the one who bought ownership of the dungeon. But as you killed one of their strike teams, I'm sure you can imagine how that isn't a very desirable outcome for both of us..." he trailed off, grinning inwardly as realization creeped into the monster's face.

"Very well." The monster said. "I accept your conditions."

"Good, good!" The minister laughed, pleased with himself. It was clear the monster realized the vulnerability of her situation. If he was careful, he had just earned himself a very powerful tool. Each of her summons were estimated to be an A rank monster, with the monster herself potentially reaching S-rank in terms of potential. Most countries barely even had a handful of A rank hunters. It's no wonder he came up with this idea of... rehabilitation. "I am immensely glad that you are a reasonable being."


[Save point set]

A notification ringed through my head as I grimaced, staring at the screen floating in midair. I had just used one of my three save points, even though I wasn't in the most ideal situation. But with only two lives, I had to save or risk being sent back into the dungeon where the risk of death was multiples higher.

After browsing the internet for a couple of hours, it seemed like only two years had passed since the gates first appeared. In theory, there was still 8 years left before the main character would save the world.

Somehow, I became the final boss (Solo Leveling)Where stories live. Discover now