Chapter I - New friends kinda?

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Willow POV -

I snuck around towards the farm " ahhh! " Ethan screamed I gasped surprise and hid " Ethan are you ok? " I heard Meridian asked " oh I'm fine! Just Willow scaring me! " he yelled " again... " he sighed I popped out scaring him yet again " will you quit doing that? Seriously your gonna be the death of me one day... " he said " sorry... " I apologized " it's fine! Help me with these? " he asked I nodded helping him carry the boxes.

" hello Willow! " Meridian said " hello Miss Clade! " I said " so I heard you scared Ethan again? " she said
Ethan groaned I nodded " this time was accident! " I said " how was this time an accident you hid away when I screamed. " he said " Ethan... " Meridian said
" your on her side? " he asked " I'm not taking sides. Son. And plus she's just having a bit of fun... " she said taking the boxes on her bike thingy.

" see you two later! " she said leaving " my point is why do always... " he was saying " Ethan! " someone yells " my friends are here! Wanna meet them this time? " he asked me " I... I.... don't know... " I said nervously " come on they're friendly and they'll love you! " he said " Ethan... I... " I said " come on? " he asked I slightly nodded hesitantly " great let's go! " he said pulling me along " Ethan! What's up, Ethan? Whoa! Ethan, Ethan. " a guy said scaring me a bit.

Ethan jumped over the fence and turned back to me waiting for me I went under though and followed him " Kardez, Kardez! Also this is my friend. Her name is Willow she's a bit shy... " he said introducing me " Nice to meet you Willow! I'm Azimuth! " the girl in the back said " and that's Kardez! " she introduced them " also what? " Ethan asked Kardez.

I looked at him curiously " we just came back from the game shop. " he said " the special edition of Primal Outpost just dropped. " he said " they sold out in 15 minutes. " he said showing the Primal Outpost thing " what? They sold out already? " Ethan asked turning to me " argh, knew I should've camped out. " he said " don't worry. We didn't forgot about you. " someone said " Oh. Uh... " Ethan said I looked at him and in between them Ethan cleared his throat " and hello Willow! I'm Diazo by the way! " Diazo said in front of me I turned to him " Hey, Diazo. " Ethan said.

" I didn't see you there. " he said in a deeper voice I backed up " not that you're not noticeable. I just, I'm, it was just, uh... " he said putting a hand on the fence then leaning against it arms and legs crossed
" what's up? Hey. " he said " I knew you had to work this morning and I remember you talking about a friend so I made sure we grabbed each of you a
pack. " Diazo said holding up three of the packs
" you did? That's... that's really sweet. " Ethan said taking one " uh. Okay, we have allotted " Azimuth started as Diazo handed one to me I took it curiously
" three to five minutes of cute flirtation. Can we open our packs already? " she asked.

" yo, I hear the new creatures are steep. " Kardez said " Medic. " Azimuth after opening hers showed us
" Cook. Yes. " Kardez said chuckling I smiled
" I'm gonna make some stuff. " he said " what you get, Willow? " Ethan asked curiously I turned to him seeing both of them looking at me I opened it
" Guardian... " I said " I mean it does suit you... " Ethan said he pulled out his " Farmer. " he said sadly he groaned.

" here, I'll trade you. " Diazo said extending his card to Ethan " this one feels more Ethan to me. " he said
There was an awkward silence I looked down uncomfortable " isn't your grandpa, like, a famous explorer? Maybe it's in your blood. " Diazo said
" Hmm. " Ethan said Diazo chuckled nudging him
" he kinda looks like you. Expect for that. " he said grabbing his hat " no! Hey, Diazo. " Ethan said chasing after him.

" give it back! " he said as Diazo ran back they both laughed he got it back " hey, gang. What's the
haps? " someone asked we turned " dad, what are you doing? " Ethan asked I heard Wigan dad whisper something Ethan tried stopping him " 'Sup? I'm Ethan dad, Searcher. " He said Legend woofs coming to me I bend petting him " you must be Diazo, and Willow. " he said looking at us I have only met Ethan mother but not his father " he talk about you all the time. " he said " not all the time. " Ethan said.

" maybe sometimes or on occasion. " he said " so, Diazo. " Searcher said " that's not really necessary. " Ethan said chuckling " are you into farming? Because Ethan is an amazing farmer. You should see him out there. Huh? " Searcher said " he's strong, smart, super cool. " Searcher said which were all true
I turned to him as Legend licked my face Diazo petted him chuckling a bit " or as you kids say,
steep. " Searcher said " Wow! " Azimuth said.

" don't we have some deliveries to make? " Ethan asked " sorry guys. We gotta go now! " Ethan said
" apologies that my dad is so sad. Bye! " he said
" Bye Ethan! " they said " Farewell! " someone said
" bye, Ethan dad. " Azimuth said " so Guardian
huh? " Azimuth asked me " I... " I said they turned to me " gotta go! " I said " bye, Willow! " Diazo said
" hope to see you again! " Kardez said " bye! " Azimuth said I ran towards the farm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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