Part 1

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It was the middle of the afternoon, and everybody in the mansion was ethier hanging out or relaxing. It was a sunny day and baisicly everyone was in a good mood, all except for one blacked winged angel it seemed.

He was up on the roof of the mansion sun bathing and taking in all the warm fresh air.

"Hey Pittoo! wanna come to town with me, Link and Ike to get some pizza?" A brunette with white wings said, "Ugh, no Pit go away! And stop calling me Pittoo! Say my name correctly? Jeez..." the black winged angel was starting to get annoyed at this point.

"Oh sorry Dark Pit, but its just that Pittoo sounds alot better ya know?" Pit said bending down at the black clad angel beneath him, "Well it doesnt sound better to feels like im a clone or something." Dark Pit was trying to lay down and relax when a green haired woman appeared as it almost seemed out of no were.

"Hi Pit, hi Dark Pit." The woman said, "Hi Lady Palutena!" Pit exlaimed, he adored her more than anything, "Link and Ike are ready to go Pit, and Dark Pit do you want to come?" Palutena asked the grumpy teenager

"I already said no to Pit-stain over just go and leave me alone.." Dark Pit, laying down turned back around on his side, his back now facing them as if trying to sleep.

Pit looked alittle down because of Dark Pit's current behaviour, Dark Pit usually acts like this but Pit felt like he had done something to upest Dark Pit, and being that he's an angel of light and lived to do good in his life only made him feel worse.


At the Pizza palor

"CHEERS!" The sound of clanking glasses sounded throughout the table. Link, Ike and Pit were at the Pizza palor having a good time getting ready to eat their pizza slices.

Link's pizza had pepperoni and mushrooms, Ike's pizza had chicken slices and BBQ sauce, and finally Pit's pizza consisted of sausage and pepperoni with sprinkles of garlic cloves.

Pit looked on to his slice and sighed hoplessly, "Hey Pit whats wrong?" Link asked, "..nothing really..its just Dark Pit.." Pit sighed once more, "Its just that he's been really hostile to me lately.." Link ate his food and looked up at Pit "Pit, he's always like that." Link stated.

"Yea, lighten up Pitty-pat its your darker half we're talkin' about!" Ike piped up, "Sometimes I wish we had the same personalities.." Pit replied sadly.


Back at the mansion

"Left hand on blue!" Peach yelled out. most of the mansion was playing Twister and Pit was one of the players.

"I got it, I got it!" Pit exclaimed reaching for the blue circle, he flapped his wings in order to reach farther to get to said circle. " Hey! Watch it angel boy!" Fox called out to the teenager as his wings were starting hit Fox in the face.

Soon all the players toppled over echother trying to get their left hands to a blue circle, Pit was one of the few that emerged from the pile of smashers "Haha, good game huh guys?" Everyone groaned in unison to Pit's statement.

After the game Pit went to his room to play some video games until he spotted Dark Pit in his room with surprisingly the door open, "Hey Pitt- I mean..Dark Pit! wanna play some video games?" Dark Pit looked behind him when he had his back turned to the door. He looked like he was in no mood for Pit at this moment, "No go away."

"aw come on dont be that way!" Pit whined "I dont want your company and get out of my room." Dark Pit harshly pushed his lighter version out of the room then slammed the door in his face.

Pit started his way back to his room until he ran into Plautena " Hi lady Plautena.." Plautena looked down at her little angel and a look of concern plasterd her face "aww? whats wrong Pit?" she asked, "Ugh.. lady Plautena i feel awful..Pittoo is being so mean to me..what did I do to him?" Pit wondered.

"You two need to learn how to get along." Plautena explained. She was tired of them both not getting along, so she had a plan.

"Pit meet me in my room, i'll go get Dark Pit myself." and with that she was off, leaving a now confused Pit all by himself.


In Palutena's room

"What are we doing here? I was busy ya know.." Dark Pit explained coldly wondering what him and Pit were doing in the goddesses's room.

Palutena glared at the dark angel, "Oh yea? busy with nothing I suppose."Palutena knew that Dark Pit was doing nothing but being all grumpy and stand offish.

Dark Pit huffed to himself not facing the goddess, "why are we here Lady Palutena?" Pit asked innocently.

"Im going to switch your personalities!" Palutena explained to the boys, "WHAT!" they both yelled in unison

"You mean we're gonna switch lives?! Over my dead body!" Dark Pit yelled at Palutena crossing his arms with that last statement.

"That could be arranged.." She said with a smirk plasterd on her face, "Lady Palutena why do we have to switch our personalities?" Pit asked still alittle confused, "Because you two need to know what its llike being each other." she said.

She waved her spetor and thus they're personalites were switch just like that.

"Oh man I feel weird..what the?"

"Cool, black looks good on me hehe..wait..I never wear black!"


"we look the same all the time stupid.."

Palutena was now in a fit of laughter as the two angels bicker with theyre now new selfs.

In a way, Pit was inside Dark Pit and Dark Pit was inside Pit. They had aparently switched bodies as well as personalities.

Suddenly the loud speaker came on which meant Master Hand was about to announce something.

"Pit and Marth please report to the smash stadium immediately, your match begins in 5 minutes." Master Hand announced.

"Oh man what am I gonna do! Lady Paluten-" Pit was too late Palutena had already vanished. Both Pits were stuck like this, and the mansion would soon become confused at the polarish behaviours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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