Nathan Fillian

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Our story begins with Nathan Fillian fighting for his life against a power-hungry, tyrant named the Queen of Diamonds. Young Fillian was a knight of Order of the Phoenix, and he swore an oath to protect the royal family. When he was fighting,he saw himself in the Queen and thought of his days back at the academy for knights and servants. He was a dashing, young lad, and he was the top of his class, but he was only searching for one thing, love and crush the other knights. There were many people who wanted Fillian, but he only had eyes for the Princess of Diamonds. Sadly, the princess didn't have eyes for Fillian, but that all changed when he started dating a fangirl, and she got jealous. By dating her, he thought that his feelings for the Princess would just go away, but his love was just too powerful. What would young Fillian do in this conflict with himself, find out in Chapter 2: Queen Rosaria.

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