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Having made it back home, Lucia gently lays Sayori down on the couch before heading to her room

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Having made it back home, Lucia gently lays Sayori down on the couch before heading to her room.

Lucia: At this rate, I'll become a D-Rank Huntress once I reach Level 10

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Lucia: At this rate, I'll become a D-Rank Huntress once I reach Level 10. (thinks back to all her fights) Throughout my time in this body, I've been thrown into many battles that could've gotten me killed ten times over.

Lucia: The only reason I've been able to just barely edge out a win against them all was due to my experiences and knowledge as an A-Rank Huntress, but even having that advantage will do nothing against an enemy be it monsters or people that no amount of experience can ever hope to overcome. (clenches fist) I need to prepare myself for that.

The moment is cut short upon Lucia hearing a light knock on her door.

Sayori: Um...Akano?

Lucia: (opens the door) Sayori.

Sayori: D-Did I walk all the way back home?

Lucia: Mmhm, you were a little hurt all over but it you seem to have healed quickly.

Sayori: I-I see. Sorry, it's just I remember fighting against a dangerous Grimm but some details are a little hazy.

Lucia: I think you've been pushing yourself a little too hard. (smiles) Heh, maybe a nice warm meal with help you out.

Sayori: You don't have to do that.

Lucia: Don't worry, I have experience with cooking and besides this will return some of the favor I owe you for saving me.

Sayori: O-Ok.

Lucia: Rest up on the couch. (rolls up sleeves) This won't take me long.

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