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Our class is done, and me and chan went to the photography club for the club's meeting

"hey joshua oppa and chan oppa" yena greeted us waving her hands and we botj waved back

"Goodmorning you two" and wonwoo greeted us

"thank you woo"

"I see you two became friends again, that's great" he smiled and I nodded in response

"Yes hyung!"

"Actually, the real reason I called you all here because, we're gonna hang out in the mall today, are you all agree?" we all nodded in agree

"Well then let's go"

"oh by the way, I'll tell jeonghan first he migjt get worried I disappeared suddenly" i heard them chuckled

"yeah sure oppa, we can wait" she winked

"actually you can invite jeonghan hyung if he wants" wonwoo said

"Oh really? Well then I'll try to ask him then, I'll be right back!" i waved at them before finding jeonghan




After a minute, I managed to find him, he was in the student council room, as you can see he's the President of the student council, that's why so many people knows him and plus, he's a member of the soccer club

I knew he was busy so, I decide not to interrupt their meeting

So i decide to just leave him a note on his locker

I grab my pen and a sticky note and wrote "me and the club are going to hang out in the mall today, you can join if you want 🐰💕 - shua

I sticked the paper in his locker hoping for him to read it later

"Joshua hyung you're done? Come on!"

"coming!" i looked at the sticky note I wrote and kissed it and ran to them




An 45minutes have passed, it's already 4:39 PM. When we reached the mall

They looked at some stuff they can buy, wonwoo bought a books and mangas yena bought a duck plushie, channie bought himself a new shirts that we took so long to find himself a good shirt because, he didn't like the other design except the one he bought

I looked at their stuff they bought, as I don't have one because, I'm saving it for my tuition and rents for the next month

until i felt a hand on my waist, i jumped on surprise then looking at who just did that and I smiled widely seeing the person I love

"Jeonghan!" I hugged him and he hugs back too

"Hello babe, am I late?" i shook my head and grab his arm and leads him to my friends

"guys, jeonghan is here!" they waved at him, then jeonghan suddenly hold my hand tightly

"h-hannie?" i look at him seeing a serious look to... Wonwoo?

"Ah- listen he's the president of our club, don't worry hani" now he looks to me and mumble an okay, i hope he's fine tho

"Hyung! How's the meeting earlier?" chan asked

"Oh we just talked about the agenda for tomorrow's field trip" we all ooh'd making him chuckle to our reactions

"Oh by the way, meet yena the vice president of our club"

"Hi oppa nice to meet ya" she bowed and jeonghan nodded

"Nice to meet you too, yena ssi"

"So where should we go next?" wonwoo asked and yena answered

"how about Gamestop? I'll look for games I can play at home"  chan agrees to her so we went to the gamestop




"Bye guys!" I waved at them as the bus drove away, leaving me and jeonghan left

"So are you going to go home too?" he shooked his head

"I'll stay with you, you might miss the bus later you sleepyhead" he said while tapping my cheek

"im not a sleepyhead!" I frowned and he just laugh

"come on, let's head inside, it's getting late" I mumbled at response as I'm already tired already

I looked at the clock and it's already 9 PM, and I haven't started to pack my things

"Oh hani, have you start packing your stuff too for tomorrow?" he nodded

"yeah, you?" i scratched my nape in response and made an akward laugh

"Letme help you after we change on our pajamas hm?" I nodded in agreement

After a few minutes, he went out to the bathroom and I noticed he wore my hoodie and it's small for him, and that made me laugh while he pouts, but I didn't realized he came closer to me as I was busy laughing, and I suddenly felt a lips touching my lips, and he broke the kiss away after a few seconds

"ok now zip it shuji, let's pack your stuff now" he said as I blushed from embarrassement

"y-you can't do that!"

"Yes I can, you're mine already" he winks making me blush even more

"now help me with here cutie" I sat with him and helped him pack the stuff for tomorrow's trip




"finally done" I flopped to the bed after packing the needs, and jeonghan turned off the lights and went to the bed next, getting his phone and sat an alarm at 4 AM

"too lazy to wake up mmnnm" I frowned

"well sorry not sorry I bought you a ticket" he smirked as he hugs me in the waist

"why you even agree to buy me a ticket in the first place hmph!" I sulked and weakly punched his chest, as he laugh

"I'll be lonely then without my bunny, and random girls will just come sit with me do you want that?" I shook my head aggressively in disagreement

"of course no!"

"well you should come with me then cutie"

"hmph!" I turned around facing my back to him

"no shuaa im sorry! Please let me see you again please!"

"no! just sleep, i'm tired" I can tell he's pouting now and I just chuckled as if I knew what's his face right now.

But little do I not know... He's smirking

He suddenly turned me around and hugged me so closely

"you're not facing your back at me now or I will kiss you 50x" and then I gave up and just let myself sleep with him

"good boy, have a nice dream my cutie" he kissed my forehead before falling asleep too

To be continued...

A/N: last update before school comes to haunt me again KSJAHAJWKDNSDLGPHPDKNGNRJE

Feb 26, 2023

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