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Crap, my mom's gonna kill me.

Leafy checked her phone. 5:13 PM. She should've been home by 5, but her behavior caused her to be off track. She sprinted home, gripping the grocery bag so tightly her knuckles turned white.

She rummaged through her pockets to find the house keys. Leafy sighed from exasperation as she managed to open the door to her house. Her book bag fell off her shoulder and landed on the ground with a thud, signaling to the rest of her family that she had arrived home. The aroma of dinner assaulted Leafy's senses, the smell of seasoning filling her nose.

"Leanne Chloro! It's 5:17, where in the world were you!?" Leafy's mother shouts from the kitchen. "I asked you to pick up some things at the market on the way home from school, and it should've taken you 5 minutes at most!" The sound of a knife chopping on a cutting board resumes filling the house. Leafy's eyes sting; her mom must be cutting onions.

Leafy blinks back some tears as she makes her way towards the kitchen. "The line at the store was...long?" She says hesitantly as she hands her mother the groceries. Her mom does not look convinced.

"Leafy," she sighs. "I'm all for giving you freedom and things like that, but if you're going to continue being this reckless and getting home late, I'll have no other choice but to monitor you with those tracking apps." Her mom goes through the grocery bag, double checking that the ingredients she ordered online had all arrived. She nods, satisfied. "But thank you for getting these groceries."

"Please don't–you're welcome, by the way, but–those apps are so controlling!" Leafy leaves the kitchen to retrieve her book bag so that she could begin her homework. She drags her stuff towards the dining table, where Tree had been working on his college studies. She sighs as she pulls out her laptop, mentally reviewing the homework she had for each class. Looks like she had some calculus work to finish.

A little over an hour passes by. Leafy closes her laptop and packs up her things. I'll...finish that other assignment tomorrow. It's due Friday, today's Wednesday, I'll be fine.

The next few hours included Leafy lounging around the house, scrolling on her phone, eating dinner along with a few snacks, and lounging around some more. Before she knew it, it was 11:02 PM. She should've been getting ready for bed, as it was a school night. Tree had already gone to bed. Oops. This might take a toll on my sleep schedule.


Leafy woke up to her alarm at 5:30. She had fallen asleep somewhere around 12. So, that's only 5 ½ hours of sleep. Great.

She wished she could sleep in a little longer, but that wasn't possible. She had to get up early for highschool, and besides, Tree was already getting ready. Leafy got out of bed and groggily started her morning routine. Her body was awake, but her mind was still in bed.


When Leafy arrived at school, she had 7 minutes before school officially started. She headed to the cafeteria, and picked up a chicken biscuit and some apple juice before making her way to her first period. Unfortunately, her first class, calculus, was on the third floor and she'd have to climb some stairs. With the little bit of energy she had from her 5 ½ hours of sleep, she managed to find herself on the landing of the third floor.

The bell rang, indicating there were three minutes left to get to class, so Leafy picked up the pace. She shoved her biscuit into her mouth and began fumbling with her drink, and chugged the apple juice before entering her classroom. Leafy took her seat as soon as the bell rang once more, and the announcements came on over the speakers. She heaved a sigh of relief; she wasn't going to be counted tardy.

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