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7:52. Eight minutes until school started.

Coiny turned around in his seat. "Hey, Pia, you're close friends with Leanne, right?"

Pin sat in the row behind Coiny and Leafy, quietly eating her breakfast when he asked her the question. "Yeah, why?"

"What does Leanne like?"

Pin tilts her head to the side, nearly spitting out her cereal trying not to laugh. She swallows her food and teases him. "Well, if you really want to know..."

"Pia! C'mon, please take me seriously! All I really know about her is the food she likes and her favorite game to play!"

She fed herself another spoonful of cereal, later motioning with the spoon in her hand like a teacher's baton after swallowing. "Well, that's a start. Just get her food she likes. Like you did for me!"

Coiny looks at Pin, expecting her to realize at any moment. When a few seconds pass without her expression changing, Coiny decides to ignore it. "Yeah, but, other than that? I've already gotten her candy."

She sips her apple juice out of a straw, pausing to think. "Hm. You could...get her flowers?"

"But what kind? What kind of flowers does she like? Does she even have a favorite flower?"

Coiny heard another voice to his left. "What's this about favorite flowers?"

He jumped slightly and turned to realize Leafy had come in earlier than he thought. "Leanne, shouldn't you be eating breakfast or something? It's only... 7:54. You always eat breakfast before coming in..."

Leafy shrugged, and she set her bag down before taking her seat beside him. "Ate breakfast on the way to school. My mom stopped by Shade's on the way to get some breakfast since we left early."


"Anyway, what were you guys talking about? Flowers?"

Pin hummed in recognition with more cereal in her mouth. "Mm! Leanne! If someone were to get you flowers, what would you like to get?"

Coiny side eyed Pin. Way too obvious.

The green haired girl looked up in thought. "Hm. I... I don't know. It would be nice to get flowers in general."

"What about colors? I think I'd like to get red ones, like roses!" Another swig of her apple juice, the sound of an empty carton soon following. Coiny sat in silence, eyes darting between the two as they held their exchange.

"Uhh... Yeah, red, I guess? Pink? White? I dunno. Why are you guys talking about this anyway? Valentine's Day was a long time ago," Leafy asked as she took out her math binder. Coiny took a mental note to get her pink flowers, and more importantly, to search up where to get some.

Pin came back after throwing away her trash, taking her seat and throwing one leg over the other. "Well, the weather's actually starting to feel like spring now, so a bunch of flowers are in bloom. It doesn't have to be Valentine's Day to get someone flowers!"

Leafy shrugged. "I guess," she trailed off. "What about you, Cordell? Do you have a favorite flower?" She questioned, wanting to include him in the conversation.

Coiny glanced to the side. "Not really. Boys don't really get flowers that often, so I feel like I would be happy if I got any kind of flower. It's the thought that counts, isn't it?"

The green haired girl nodded.


Coiny read the note he wrote a million times over just to make sure he wasn't calling the receiving end a loser. After checking that his German teacher wasn't looking, he slid the folded note over to the other side of the table.

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