The DARKEST Day in Skylands' history

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(Please note that there will some references to the cinematics of World of Warcraft.)

It was a dark day in Skylands; Kaos and his forces attacking while the world's heroes, the Skylanders, were unprepared. Most Mabu lives were either captured and put to work as slaves, or corrupted into demonic versions of themselves. The Skylanders made a vow to protect the people, not fight them. So, with what little remains of the Mabu that were saved, the Skylanders escorted them to a giant cave where Master Eon summoned all the Fusionator Skylanders to help protect the world of Skylands.

Much like Eon, his own evil son, Kaos; a dark Portal Master, had summoned his own allies in the form of the Fusionators' nemeses. There was Steeljaw, a wolf-like Decepticon who fought for a planet for Decepticons to call home, and one to rule. There were four others that wanted to rule their own kingdoms as well; former changeling queen, Chrysalis, young AND evil Cozy Glow, magic-feeding centaur, Lord Tirek, and evil king of shadows and dark magic, King Sombra. While the Mane6 was able to defeat him, it took the entire kingdom of Equestria, with ALL races, to beat the other three.

Enough talking, let's get with the characters.

Inside the cave where Eon summoned the Fusionators...

Jonathan Claw, also known as Rex the Extreme Werewolf; Prince of the Tribal Werewolves and of the Kaiju; Arbiter of the Howling Woods' Army; and Alpha Captain of both the Tribal Werewolf and Wereanimal Pirates, closed the huge doors to the cave with his remaining strength. With his eyes close, he could only think of the citizens that were either enslaved in jail cells, or turned into demonic monsters that are loyal to Kaos and the villains alone. He then opened his eyes and started to huff and puff, only to imagine that little brat laughing his arse off as he used a devious plot to take the advantage against the heroes to overthrow his own father and rule all of Skylands. This plot, and his b-tard son, taunts the green werewolf prince. With a final chuff, he turned around to the left, followed up with an angry snarl, and walked past the Skylanders. 

He stops and speaks. "We just abandoned all those innocents to slavery and demonic corruption!" He snarled to the back of Master Eon as he points his right finger at the doors.

Master Eon, with a sad face, turned both his body and head to the right. "Your anger is acceptable, my green friend," he calmly said with a depressed tone.

"Anger? How about RAGE?! I'm royally ticked off because we were beaten by a cowardly tactic that was pulled by that bastard you call "son," He roared at Eon.

"I would suggest you keep away from the foul language, but you are right," Eon replied.

"Then why aren't we out there, saving those that were captured by that little tyrant?" Jonathan asked the Portal Master of Light.

"Because we were not ready, and it would seem that they gotten stronger. Strengthened by a power unfamiliar to this world, and I can't place my tongue on it," Eon answered. After stroking his beard with his left hand, he then perked up in realization. "No. It can't be," he said in absolute disbelief.

Hugo, Eon's trusted advisor, stood on his left. "What's wrong, Master Eon?"

"Hugo, my friend, I think, no, I KNOW what this unfamiliar magic is and where it's coming from. But we must make haste and bring all we saved into another world."

"But what about Skylands?" Fluttershy asked.

"My dear Fluttershy, Skylands is not a place, it's the people who live in it," Eon reassured the little yellow and pink-haired pegasus. 

"Why do I get the feeling that I heard that phrase somewhere before?" Venom asked as he came out of Eddie Brock's left shoulder.

"I know, right?" Eddie replied.


Master Eon made a dimensional psychic link to the other world to prepare for their arrival.

The Skylanders both old and new helped the citizens to get ready.

Godzilla and Kong, as well as the Iron Giant, and the other Giants, were shrunk down to the size of mice.

"Come on, you little cuties," Fluttershy said as the little Giants scurried into her brown purse.

Master Eon's glowing white eyes faded and turned back to normal. "Alright, the denizens of that world have granted us passage into their world," he explained. "Now, everyone, grab each others' hands, tails, wings, and other appendages you can grab on, except for the private areas."

"EON!!!" They all said with their faces blushing.

"Sorry. Just to be clear, is all," Eon explained. 

"Master Eon, are you sure about this?" Cali asked.

"If it's to protect the innocent, then yes," he replied.

"So... Where are we going?" Smolder asked.

"To a place where the people there will have their squabbles, but also come together when a threat greater than each other rises from the shadows," Eon answered.

The Skylanders and citizens of Skylands looked at each other in confusion and worry.

Eon closed his eyes. "Skylanders and citizens of Skylands, we are going...," he started.

He then opened his eyes with a defiant look upon his face.

" Azeroth," he finished as his eye glowed white once again.

Magic swirled upon them and in a blink of an eye, they vanished as a few trails of smoke erupted from the ground and magic flickered onto it.

And just in time, too.

Kaos and the villains busted through the doors, thanks to Tirek.

"It's empty!" He called out.

Kaos came in with a few other villainous leaders, such as Steeljaw of the Decepticons, Chrysalis and King Sombra and Cozy Glow, and finally, both the Malefor from Skylands, and the one from Avalar.

"Where did they go?" Cozy Glow asked.

Kaos looked and saw a few sparks of blue magic fall to the ground and disappeared as smoke came from the ground and evaporated into thin air. Kaos knew what transpired. "Looks like my father took the easy and cowardly way out by teleporting him, the citizens, and his most precious Sky-Losers to a new world," He explained.

"Shall we go after them?" The Malefor from Skylands, also known as Malefor One, asked.

"No. Let them run away with their literal tails between their legs; we won. That's all that matters. Now then, let's give our world a makeover for my Empire of Doom," he said as green energy filled his eyes.

There have been many dark days in Skylands, one which Eon's prized pupil Spyro, got himself corrupted and turned to the dark side thanks to Kaos's uncle, Strykore.

But this...

This is THE DARKEST DAY in Skylands' history, as the heroes had no other choice but to leave their home and were forced to leave it in Kaos's hands.

To be continued...

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