Part 5

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Chapter 5: Roman's POV

The decision to ask Red out on a date came sooner than I intended, perhaps I was just thinking with my dick, but she's too damn cute to let slip away.

Oh, well, it'll end the same anyway.

After researching restaurants, I made a reservation at one of my favorites, thankful that I'm lucky enough for them to have an opening. I ordered a suit and sent a text to Ruby.

Roman: I found a restaurant. Are you still okay with Friday at 7?

Ruby: Yes of course! I can't wait!

Roman: Me neither.

I smiled and set my scroll down on the coffee table in front of me, leaning back on the couch and sighing with contentment.

She's adorable. I almost don't want to break her heart as payback for being a thorn in my side her first year at Beacon. Almost.

I pull up to the curb in front of Ruby's apartment and send her a text telling her I'm here while I wait for her. Usually, I'd be a gentleman and collect her from her front door, but that's not an option at the moment. This would be easier if only her teammates were a little more open-minded. I may have committed my crimes in the past, but I've paid for my sins and am a new man now. Sort of. I just keep the illegal shit to a minimum.

I see the door open and a little black dress-clad Ruby steps out, quickly turning to say goodbye to her teammates and giving me a perfect view of her cute little ass. She turns back around after closing the door and hurries to the car. She opens the door and I pick up the bouquet of roses I'd put in the passenger seat.

"Hi." She says meekly, with a faint blush on her face.

"Hey." I hand her the roses. "These are for you."

"Oh, gosh, Roman. Really? Thank you. They're beautiful." I smile and allow my eyes to wander over her body, the satin dress is tight except for the neckline, which is draped in a V shape, showing just a hint of cleavage. I smirk, knowing she couldn't have been the one to pick it out. Ruby is too shy, and her teammates seem to push her out of her comfort zone, which is how we got here. "Um, how do I look?" She begins nervously playing with the hem of her dress and tugging the neckline up.

"You look amazing, Red. Now stop that." She really does look amazing. My heart rate increased the moment I saw her step out of the door. I place a hand on her knee and gently rub it with my thumb, attempting to calm her, but the contact only seems to deepen the blush on her face. She shivers at the contact, only fueling my urge to push farther. I'm addicted to getting under her skin and making her flustered, and I admit that I have no intention of giving up my habit. I won't give in to the urge, though. I don't want to push her away too soon like I almost did at the coffee shop. I briefly take my hand off her knee put the car into drive, and head in the direction of the restaurant fifteen minutes away. Five minutes into the drive, I look over at Ruby and she's nervously biting her bottom lip, sending a wave of arousal down my body. "Th-thank you. You look nice too." Her blush deepens and she avoids my gaze.

Calm down. Now's not the time for that.

"Nervous, little gem?"

She's nervously playing with her hair now. "Yeah, a little bit. I, um, I've never been on a date with anyone before." She gives a shy little chuckle.

She's so damn adorable. "Don't worry, Red. I'll treat you like royalty." I take a risk and move my hand off of her knee to put her hand in mine, and I give it a reassuring squeeze and give her a small smile. She lets out a small gasp of surprise but doesn't pull her hand away. We stay like that for the remainder of the drive, giving me the chance to sneak glances at her, her satin dress and how it rides up her pale thighs, her tiny waist and small breasts, her delicate little collarbone, and her thin neck that I want so desperately to maul. Occasionally, I would catch her silver orbs glancing at me. I don't blame her; I put a lot of effort into my appearance for this date. I put on a white three-piece suit with a red tie and black waistcoat. I smile to myself, knowing she's checking me out. A few minutes later, we pull into the valet parking of the restaurant.

"Ooh, valet parking. You really went all-out for this," Ruby says. I just shrug before handing my keys to the valet employee and quickly jog around to Ruby's door to help her out. Not that she needs it, but I enjoy doing chivalrous things like this. I offer my hand to her, and she accepts it, using it to pull herself out of my black sports car. I wrap my arm around her waist and walk with her into the restaurant.

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