Chap 1: the storm dragon

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As I slowly open my eyes the first thing I saw is a cave still the same even though I never really seen the hole cave anyway so I started checking my surroundings I really am in the past

<<ciel: The process has complete you are know in the past >>

Rimuru: alright let's go meet the otaku dragon shall we

As RImuru begin to (In his slime form) go towards veldora he starts to devour the hipokte herbs so that he won't get bored on the way he could've use spiritual motion but that would ruined the fun so Rimuru keep walking until

Rimuru: if I remember right I was born in this cave around 90 days right

<<ciel: yes master >>

Rimuru: . . . . . . Right never mind let's go

<<ciel: sigh 😔 >>

Rimuru: huh did you just sigh

<<ciel: no that was just your imagination >>

Rimuru: really anyway here we are

Veldora: can you here me little one

Veldora POV

Hello there humans are you here to listen to the great storm dragon story I commande your bravery human kuhahahahaaa *cough* anyway let's get back to the story so it's was 300 years ago when I was minding my own business by destroying some human town but out of nowhere some beauty * cough*
I-I mean some hero came and tried to slay but since I the great storm is so great that the beaut-*cough* I mean hero struggles to killed me so she use one her skill unlimited imprisonment to imprison me so I could die here alone and so that brings as back to the present today i felt a true dragon factor

Veldora: please don't be one of my sisters

What hell, is this a joke the slime has true dragon factor w-well let's be polite trying to talking to it "veldora thought "

Veldora: can you hear me little one

Rimuru POV

veldora: can you hear me little one

Look at him trying to act all high and mighty *Rimuru thought*

Veldora: i said can you hear me little one

Rimuru: yes I can hear you loud and clear

Veldora: oh a slime that has intelligent interesting are you a named monster or are you unique

Huh gotta admit he can looks sometimes if he acts like it

So Rimuru try to find a way to lie well he started telling him about the stabbing part

Rimuru: w-well you see I got stabbed to death by a random dude and here I am as a slime

Veldora: oh a reincarnated so you we're reincarnated here that interesting indeed but why do I feel a true dragon factor in you

Eh what's he talking about I thought hide that well though

<<ciel: well master other true dragon can feel each other through their dragon factor meaning even if you hide it they can still sense it >>

Rimuru: whoa really man those that mean the other 2 sense me

<<ciel: yes >>

So Rimuru decided to tell veldora the truth man was he shocked

Veldora: w-w-w-wait s-s-so dose that mean you're the youngest kuhahahaahaaa that means you're my brother know no let's call it sworn brothers Kuhaahahahahaaaa

Rimuru: w-well he seems more excited than shocked, h-hey ciel the other dragon won't make me their new punc-I mean brother right

<<ciel: why are you asking me, that not my problem >>

Rimuru: damm ciel your so cruel anyway back to the present

So veldora you want me to give you the memories of the you from the future

Veldora: kuhahahaa that's possible alright then go right ahead my sworn brother

Rimuru: alright {ciel it time for you to shine}

<<ciel: alright master >> {notice the individual veldora will know receive the memory from the future}

And that is how the otaku dragon got his memories back

{ notice the individual Veldora tempest will regain his ultimate skill
Nyarlathotep, Lord of Chaos}

Rimuru: whoa he got his ultimate skill to that cool

Veldora: kuhahahahahahah its i the great storm dragon veldora tempest all who define me will be slaughtered kuhahahhahhaaaa

Rimuru: *him with that line* hey looks like it worked

Veldora: oh Rimuru I can't believe you came to the past without me

Rimuru: does it matter, anyway how long are you going to stay in the prison

Veldora: oh right I give it one punch

And that veldora did he punch the barrier so Rimuru and veldora started to head out towards the exit of the although they had to hide from the idiot trio and the adventure of rimuru and veldora started Know


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