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Day 15/ Saturday / Daytime

Day 15/ Saturday / Daytime _____________________________

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'Oi Darla, wanna go for a chat?' An approaching Callum asks , her eyebrows furrow slightly at Luke M who gave her an 'I told you so' look
'Um yeah sure, just let me grab my jammy dodgers' this earned a grin from Luke M , she's a funny one
'Okay right where are we going?' She asked opening the packet and grabbing her favorite biscuit
' well the bar maybe?' Which earned a nod of agreement from Darla
It didn't take them long to get there and Darla sat in the left side of the bar , accompanied by Callum on the right who was sipping his water
'So I just wanted to have a chat with you to see where your heads at' he asked putting down his bottle , shit this is gonna cause some drama she thought
'Well obviously it's my first day so todays just about getting to know everyone a bit and seeing who I want to talk to more' Callum nodded and muttered a 'yeah' I'm agreement
'Yeah I get that, obviously you need to get to know everyone , 'm just lucky cus I'm apart of everyone' Callum smirked , Darla couldn't help but chuckle , he was bold
'Yeah guess you are'
' well it's obvious we are deeply in love , but who else do you have your eye on?' He joked
What the fuck Darla laughed , but still cautious of his blossoming relationship with Shaughna , she fancied Callum , he was a good looking lad , but not enough to like like him and ruin what he has with Shaughna
'Your moving mad' she laughed , eating another jammy dodger
'Just being open so y'know' he spoke , and she nodded. She didn't trust this whole situation , Callum was funny and good looking but she couldn't see herself falling for him or being in a couple with him.
'Yeah I respect that like , but I am quite interested in getting to know Luke M at the min and I'm pretty sure it's reciprocated' she said after she finished chewing
'Yeah I know that you want to get to know Lukey boy , but I'm open as well' he grinned
'Lukey boy!?' Darla laughed , it really had tickled her
'better than calling him Beiber I suppose' she said

'They just mentioned your name mate' Luke T muttered to Luke M , they were both sat on the day beds with Fin and Nas
'No , what they saying' he inquired his best mate
'Said something about Lukey Boy , could be either of us but I don't know why they'd be mentioning me' Luke T whispered
'Oh shit' Luke M whispered back , watching them discreetly through his sunglasses
Luke M was sat up against the headboard next to Nas ,Fin and Luke T sitting at the end of the bed , listening to the conversation taking place on the bar , or trying to
'He's moving mad y'know' said Fin 'I mean Shaughna's gonna flip if she sees that' he said , knowing that his girl and her best friend were down stairs sitting by the sofa by the gym
'Mate , I thought he was proper happy with Shaughna, what's all this' Luke M Said
'Exactly not even giving us a chance' said Nas , which Luke M  raised his eyebrow at slightly
'No you as well' Luke M laughed , rubbing his hand over his stubble 'I am utterly fucked' Luke sighed
'She seems like a sweet girl would be stupid for me to not get to know her I guess' Nas said which earned a nod from all of the boys , that was fair
'She did say she wants to get to know everyone' Luke T said followed by 'oh shit' his voice raised
The boys all followed his eyeline to the stairs where Shaughna and Paige were , they watched Shaughna shake her head in disbelief , alongside Paige who was whispering something to her best friend
The boys watched them part ways , Paige walking towards them and Shaughna heading straight to the bar

'What the fuck does he think he's doing?' Paige laughed in disbelief to the boys as she sat next to Fin , who had moved onto a different day bed
'He pulled her from Luke about 15 minuets ago' Fin informed her and her mouth widened
'Thing is , I know that she's not that interested in Callum she told me and Shaughna last night , so it's all him' Paige told the boys
'Wipe that smile of your mouth' Paige joked with Luke M who held a small grin , as well as Luke T. It was clear that Luke M had a small thing for Darla.
'Sorry babe do you mind if I have a chat with Callum?' Shaughna asked after strutting over to the bar , she's a bad bitch Darla complimented her in her head
'Yeah of course' she smiled at the girl before getting up and taking her jammy dodgers over to the day beds
'Shits gonna hit the fan isn't it?' Darla asked the group before sitting on the end of Fin and Paige's daybed
'She's fucking livid' said Paige 'it's not you babe don't worry , he's just making a mug of her' Paige comforted Darla
'Yeah I mean he was being bold as fuck and I just kept thinking about Shaughna, like it's not fair on her' Darla admitted , now being out of her jammy dodgers , watching the heated conversation between shaughna and Callum
'It was just a chat Shaughna!'
'Just a chat my arse , you fancy her and you've admitted it to everyone BUT me!'
'Yeah of course I'm gonna fancy her she's stunning but there's not need to make a scene out of it'
'Oh shit' said Nas 'she won't like that'
The group heard the conversation get louder and more heated before eventually Shaughna stormed of to the day beds. Callum stayed at the bar where Connor approached him
'He's pissed me right of' Shaughna said to the group , earning a nod from eveyone
'He's moving mad' Paige nodded
'I mean I know we aren't exclusive but I literally asked him last night are you interested in getting to know her? And he said no, but he's pulling you for chats' she nodded towards Darla who felt bad
'I'm gonna be completely honest , he asked me who I'm interested in getting to know , I said everyone and he was being quite bold and telling me he wants to get to know me' Darla spoke hoenstly which recieved furrowed brows from everyone on the daybeds
'I've actually had enough of him now , like he can tell i really fancy him' Shaughna admitted to the group
'babe he's just a lad , he knows no better' Darla reassured the girl who sat next to her by stroking her
'I know I've just had enough , I don't want to fall out with him but he's just not being respectful' Shaughna sighs
'The very least he could of done was pull you before he pulled Darla' Nas said which Darla agreed to
'Yeah it's not like he couldn't I mean I was chatting with Luke anyways' Darla told shaughna
'Yeah guys I know , it just sucks'

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