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He trailed kisses up her neck to her lips. Lindiwe was so sweet he couldn't get enough of his wife. She was his addiction and he could not have her enough. In a flash she was naked beneath him and he felt her body open up to him. They had come a long way from their first encounter. She was now his and they were making a mini part of themselves. "Vusi?" "Babe, can we talk after?" Vusi said positioning himself for entrance. "I didn't call your name, it's your mom at that is knocking at the door." Lindiwe sounded frustrated by the situation. "I need to go hear what is happening." Vusi said rolling off her and putting on a robe. "Yebo, Ma." Vusi opened the door just enough for his face to peek out. "It's your father." His mother wept. Vusi felt his heart jump into his throat. What was happening?

Vusi left with his father after his mom came to their room. He didn't explain why he had to leave but Lindiwe could tell it was serious. He had given her his card and told her to go spoil herself. She enjoyed leaving the palace because she hardly did. She was ready in a flash and the car was waiting for her. Mbuso was in the car waiting for her. She enjoyed spending time with the man. He hardly said a word but his eyes were sincere. He was the only friend she had at the palace. He also allowed her to play her music and she had selected her Elaine playlist.

The cleaning was on full swing. Everyone was busy with something and Mbuso the head of security was beyond exhausted. He had to make arrangements for the king to see the doctor without anyone finding out. He had a team set up and they would oversee the mission. Vusi was by his father's side and he had requested Mbuso to keep Lindiwe safe. He was running on coffee and frustration at this point. He had been awake for over forty hours and fatigue was getting the best of him. "When Vusi asked him to drive Lindiwe to get her nails done he just agreed because he didn't want history to repeat itself. There she was, she had on a beautiful yellow sundress that complimented her hourglass figure. She wore less wigs lately and she had her hair in a ponytail. She looked like she just stepped out of a movie scene. Mbuso tried not to stare but the woman was magnificent. "Hey Mbu." Lindiwe said when she got into the car. Mbuso mumbled a hello and put the car in gear. This was going to be a long drive.

The drive to the nail salon was smooth but driving back was proving to be difficult. He had dozed off twice and woke up without Lindiwe noticing. She was in the back seat on her phone. Mbuso kept stealing glances at her from the rearview mirror. She was smiling at something on her phone. Her smile was so bright and beautiful. Mbuso only wanted to see her happy because her tears woke up something evil in him.

The day he rescued her from the kidnappers he had felt his heart ripped into shreds with her cries. She was so broken that he felt the urge to kill the mayor that very moment. She had called his name with such sorrow in her voice that Mbuso was seeing red. He would kill whoever took her smile and replaced it with this pain. He had carried her to the car and held her in his arms all the way to the palace. When they arrived he wanted to carry her to his room and keep her safe but Vusi had come for her. She wouldn't let go of him as she sobbed from what she had to endure. He had felt her cries tugging at his heart strings. The heart of a dangerous assassin was feeling sympathy for her. He eventually handed her over to Vusi and went to plan his revenge.

Since that day he was over protective of her. Lindiwe didn't notice but he was always nearby. He made sure she was safe wherever she was. He did not delegate her security detail but he did it himself. He justified it by saying that he was doing it for Vusi. But the more time he spent around her the more that lie started to confuse him. He knew he would never cross the line but he was very close to the fence.

She loved going for a jog in the morning and he had made it a habit to jog at the same time. She always said it was a coincidence but Mbuso knew better. What he felt was a strange protectiveness that bothered him but he couldn't get rid of it. "So Mbu, what do you think of my nails?" Lindiwe asked showing off her new design. "They are beautiful my princess." Mbuso said uninterested. Lindiwe went on about how she missed her old nail technician but Vusi got this one after the incident. Mbuso could not keep his eyes open anymore. The road started looking blurry and the car hit something.

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