Thursday; 1: 34 PM

335 26 5

Innocent round eyes surrounded by soft fluffy hamster cheeks stole Jin from his sleep last night. He laid awake for God knew how many hours, seeing Seokmin's face everywhere he looked around inside Byulyi's dim guest room. He could see him even as he had his eyes closed, as if the image of his cute and smushy face was imprinted on the back of his eyelids.

Even worse, a mere two hours after giving up on sleep, Mrs Seo's disapproving voice rang in his mind.

'Poor girl.' She clicked her tongue with a shake of her head as she stabbed the ground with the trowel. 'It's overwhelming to become a mother, especially if you're all alone.'

It wasn't long until he began to think of Byulyi again.

He remembered how his brother and his wife always looked half-dead when their first son was born, how they always lacked sleep and missed meals. By no means was his nephew a particularly difficult baby, it was just that babies are difficult in themselves.

Did she have to go all through that alone?

Well of course she did.

Other people can only help her so much. At the end of the day, she did all the work herself, raised him on her own.

Jin rolled over the bed to lie on his back, staring at the plain white ceiling.

He had to do something. Help with something.

He had to.

Jin sat up with a heavy groan. As he did, he had to lean on his arm for support lest he fall back down the bed. He hadn't noticed his hunger earlier when his mind was preoccupied with other things, when he thought that the gurgle of his stomach was much more bearable than the heavy presence of both Byulyi and Seokmin on the dining table. Now the room was spinning under his feet.

He dragged his palm from his forehead to his chin and sighed heavily.

He needed something to eat. Or something to drink. But obviously Byulyi didn't stock her fridge with alcohol.

Water, it is then.

Jin clutched the railings as he lumbered down the stairs. As he stepped on the last landing, he found Byulyi crouched on the ground in front of Seokmin who had a pacifier in his mouth as he sat on the baby seat.

"Are you going somewhere?" he asked. At his voice, Byulyi whipped her head around to look at him monetarily before clicking the last lock in place.

She carried the yellow baby bag on her back and another smaller sling bag—which looked to be hers—as she stood up. "Something happened in the cafe and" —she lifted the basket with a grunt— "the manager called me to check it out."

An unsettling feeling washed over Jin as he watched Byulyi struggle over Seokmin and his things.

"Does Seokmin need to come?"

Byulyi's eyes drifted to Seokmin's before it landed on Jin again. "Not necessarily."

He rolled his shoulders back as he inhaled. This was his chance, to help with the baby.

"...I can watch him," he offered slowly, watching Byulyi's face for a reaction, "So you can work."

He brows raised in surprise. "You'd do that?"

He had to. He told himself he would. For Seokmin.


It was by no means anything near than the responsibility he should be carrying, but this was a step in the right direction at least.

Byulyi gave him a long stare, her gaze switching between him and the quiet baby sitting snuggly on his seat, the pacifier squeaking rhythmically as it pulsed in his mouth. She bit her lip and for a moment it looked like she was going to refuse until she muttered.

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