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I did a longer lap with Loki than usual, for two main reasons. One was that the tension between me and König was unbearable, and I couldn't handle it. Not now. And second... Well, I got my period, and it hurted like shit. And usually, walks help me to ease the pain, but with the now heart ache combined, not even walks could fix this.

Loki could feel that something was wrong, he was just looking at me differently, and behaved more calmly around me. Not so much around others we met at the walk, I think because he wanted to protect me.

Oh, and how König said he likes me, and wants to protect me? That was like heaven. I've never heard anyone saying that to me. And with my daddy issues it really altered my brain.

He was huge... A lot taller than me, muscular, big hands... Just what a little girl needs from her body guard.
What I need.

. . .

I left the house so fast I even left my phone and wallet there, so after about two hours of walking, I went home.

"I'm home!" I shouted entering the house. I let Loki off the leash and was taking my shoes off. No answer. I looked in the kitchen and living room, but König wasn't there. Maybe he left already. I sat down on the couch and grabbed my phone. 17 missed calls from Johnny, 23 texts from Johnny, 3 missed calls from Tony. Wow.


23 unread messages

Lucy I'm so so sorry, I really fucked this up.

Please pick up

I know you're mad at me but please pick up




I didn't want to do this to you I'm sorry

C'mon pick up already!

I was angry I'm really sorry

I didn't mean to do that to you


And so on. I just read it and put the phone down again, brushing my fingers througy hair.

It was really hot outside and I was sweaty, so I thought about showering. I got up, got some clean clothes and went to the bathroom.

I opened the door and walked in without thinking about it, but when I bumped into a hard body of someone, the reality came to me that I just walked in on a naked König. He was looking at himself in the mirror, and smiled when he noticed I'm looking at him.

I just stood there motionless, trying not to look down.

"Accompanying me in the shower again?" He said in a low tone. "I wasn't the one to join you!" I turned around to not look at him, and for him to not see my red cheeks. I had the clothes I brought pressed to my chest and was breathing heavily.

Two strong hands wrapped around my waist and he leaned his chest on my back. I could feel his warm breath on my neck, which sent shivers down my spine. And if you ask, yes. I could feel his dick pressed to my butt.

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