Please dont Leave me •Lucy Bronze• Pt.2

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My chest tightened and my heart constricted as I tried to come to terms that this was reality. That she had gone. She had left me with nothing more than a sad piece of paper and an aching pain in my chest. I don't even know what time she had left and if I should even try and contact her; she had clearly made her mind up about this move, but had she made her mind up about us?

It was as if my body was on autopilot because I didn't feel myself sitting up from the bed. I didn't feel myself throwing back the duvet and standing up. I didn't notice when I put my shoes on and picked up the keys. It was only when I was opening the front door, of my now lonely apartment, that I realized I was basically running to the car. I don't know when Lucy left or if she was still even in the country, let alone the airport, but apparently, I was going to find out.

Once I had jumped in the car, I had to give myself a few minutes to collect myself and clear the tears from my eyes. For some reason I couldn't get my breathing under control or tell my mind to slow down; that's what I was telling myself anyway. There was a reason and it was the love of my life lifting her life up and moving away from me.

The world seemed to blur past as I drove. Building merging into one and the sound of surrounding cars becoming a buzz in my ears. I tried to keep my eyes clear of tears so that I wasn't driving unsafe and putting others in danger but the burning feeling in my heart made that difficult. I hoped and prayed that she hadn't left too long ago. In the heat of the arguments I hadn't asked what time her flight was leaving or when she was leaving our house. My house.

I honestly don't know how long the drive was.

I don't know how long it had taken me to find a place to park the car.

I don't know how long it took me to get my feet to move.

I don't know how long it took me to run towards the airport entrance.

I don't know how long it took me to locate the flight board.

I don't know how long my eyes were scanning back and forth across the screen.

I don't know how long I was stood checking and double checking the flight information.

I don't know how long it took for me to realize and come to terms with the fact that her flight wasn't there.

There were not outbound flights to Barcelona showing on the screen. Which meant one thing. She was gone. A sob left my slips as my eyes screw shut. I could feel the surrounding people staring at me as my heart shattered to the ground; those three words echoing through my mind. She was gone. With a heavy heart and heavy feet I turned around in my spot and took a deep breath trying to calm myself knowing it was hopeless. She was gone. That continued to swim in my mind as I took the few steps out the airport, knowing I was alone from now on.

Unlike the drive there, the whole journey was noticeable. I felt every minute that passed. I was aware of every building, car and person I drove past on the now long journey home. The morning cool began to set  as the sun began to take center stage in the sky, only then making me look at the time on the dash. 9:47 am. Another wave of dread raked through my body as I realized I had a full day for the initial mourning of the relationship to fester in my bones. A full day to cry and hide.

My hands gripped the wheel at 10 and 2, trying to steady my driving as the remaining tear stains dried on my cheeks making them feel tight. My eyes burned with tiredness from the early hours of panic my body endured and from being overworked of delivering tears.

Hatred is a strong word. One I used sparsely and very rarely. But that's all I felt as I drove into the drive way of our.... My house. Hatred that I'd be alone, that I'd be haunted of the memories of the brunette. That every time I walked into the living room I'd be reminded of the days when I'd get home from uni and she'd be laying on the couch watching match highlights and when she'd hear me walk in, her arms would be open wide waiting for me to join her.

Or when I'd walk into the kitchen I'd be reminded of when I'd walk in on a Sunday morning to her dancing around the kitchen making me toast because she burned the pancakes. How I'd stand and admired her, internally planning our future together. One, now that wouldn't never happen.

Or how I'd walk through the halls and be reminded of when we first moved in and she was painting the walls in the hallway. How she's grab my wrist and twirl me into her arms so I couldn't escape before dabbing paint on my nose and throwing her head back in laughter as I groaned.

Every room in this house reminded me of her and her smell still lingered. Especially our... my bedroom. The room we spent sleepless nights in, showing our love or planning our future. But now, a room once filled with so much love and hope, was now filled with dread and loneliness.

Once I pulled myself from whatever trance I was in staring at the front door. I began walking toward it, dreading the feelings that would consume my body the minute I walked inside. Despite my sad attempts at preparing myself for any emotions that would come my way, nothing would or could prepare me for the feelings I felt when I walked into that house.

"I couldn't go. Not when I know I left you like that. And that's not to say I'm not going at all. I am. I have to, because it's my team now and I'm so sorry I didn't make that decision with you and I'll regret that for the rest of my life, because that's what ruined this. I ruined it all between us and our future and I'm so internally sorry for that. But I couldn't get on that flight knowing I left our love behind on a pathetic piece of paper." The words stumbled out of her mouth the minute she lay her eyes on me. As she quickly stood from the couch and cuddled with her fingers.

The world around me stopped, it felt as though I couldn't breathe and I couldn't get words to come out of my mouth.

"I- Lucy I-". No words would form other than her name as my eyes glossed over once again.

"Don't. I know what I did was wrong and everything about how I went about it was stupid and selfish but I can't do life without you Y/N. And I know I've broken your trust and that'll take weeks, months or even years to rebuild, that's if you choose to let me. But I can't and won't do this without you. I can't play my best if I know you're not supporting me. I can't be my best if I haven't got you beside me physically or emotionally. And I know we could've made it work but I was clouded by my innate determination and was stupid and careless to not realize how it would impact you. But baby, please. Please don't let me leave knowing you hate me. You owe me nothing, but please don't leave me."

"I won't Lucy. I won't leave you I promise."

(1481 Words)

The long awaited Pt.2 of please don't leave me.

Hi there!
I've been gone for so long sheesh. I just had to take a little break to live my own life which has been quite hectic. But I think whilst I'm back in the mood to write I'll try and push out as much as I can. I was gone longer than I thought I would've been and every time I tried to come back I knew it was right. But I'm back in the mood!

For those who made requests or suggestions: I have not forgotten! I have them listed and will do them soon.

For those who are new: Hi there, I'm G. If you have any requests of player, feel free to either comment or DM me with your requests :)

Up next: Ghost town •Leah Williamson•

For now,
Stay safe and enjoy reading.

G x

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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