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"Here you go, Summer." The lady hands me my bags back as I walk to get my ticket. I'm finally getting away, going somewhere where no one knows me. It feels so surreal, I've dreamed of getting away for the last 10 years.

I sit down waiting for my flight to be called. Florence, Italy. My grandmother Lily taught me a little bit of Italian. Thanks to Dime's bodyguard he's been also helping me.

That's actually who I'll be seeing when I get to Italy. Dime said that she will most likely keep checking up on me. I'm glad she and me are friends to be honest.

"Here," Her bodyguard gave me an envelope. "What is it?" I ask, his frown deepens. "From Dime and her safe travel wishes. You'll get on airplane 36 at gate D in 10 minutes so I can leave." I nod my head and start to head to gate D.

I get my seat next to a child who can't look no older than 10, and during the whole flight I basically play with him. "So Zack, what's your favorite book?" He smiles at me. "Harry Potter," He says with a bright smile.

"That's my favorite book too!" He gives me a big smile, "Really?" I nod my head. Which it isn't a lie. That was one of my favorite books when I was younger.

Once the plane landed I didn't even realize it at first. "Zack, let's go," A lady tells him. He quickly nods his head and leaves. I take this the right time to leave the airplane also.

I'm always the last one to leave the plane mainly because I feel bad for going before other people. Grandma Lily will most likely send someone to pick me up.

Just because I'm not rich doesn't mean Grandma Lily is poor. In fact it's the complete opposite, Grandma Lily has like a billion dollars.

She was an actor before she got into a terrible accident. She's even offered me some of the money but I've refused and told her to keep the money for herself.

"Jack," I nod my head politely. He gives me a quick hello. Jack is one of my grandmother's favorite bodyguards, but she would like to admit that.

I open the envelope and see that Dime gave me her phone number. About 10 minutes into the car ride I drift off to sleep. It's about 1 am here meaning it's 7 pm in Florida. 6 hour time difference, one of the few things I always hate when coming here.

"Ma'am," I woke up to a light shake. I look up and see Jack. "Where here, your grandmother has requested to see you." I nod my head, Jack will most likely take my things to my room.

I go into the kitchen and smell cookies, "Are those sugar cookies?" I ask, she turns around with a smile. "Your favorite, my sweet child." I give her a soft smile before eating a cookie.

"There's something we must talk about." Her voice turns serious, normally she's never serious. So I already know it's probably bad news.

"What's the matter?" I ask, she takes out a file and slides it towards me. "I'm going to die soon, doctors predict that I have a little over 6 months to live. My lungs have given up darling."

She pauses before continuing, "Normally the will goes to the children. Kamari, when I die all my money will be sent to you. Everything I own is yours." My heart beats fast while my stomach drops.

"I-I can't take this," I push the will back towards her. "Everything is finalized darling." She sends me a sweet smile, then she walks to her room like nothing just happened. My grandmother only has 6 months to live. I can't leave her.


Ryder comes rushing in, "I found her! Got in contact with her friend's bodyguard while she was in New York, he said Kamari was on her way to Florence Italy. Her grandmother lives there so I called up her bodyguard named Jack and he confirmed that Kamari is staying here."

"Send me that address!" I shout at Ryder. I don't wait for him to finish his sentence, I book the fastest flight to Italy. Kamari is coming home and I can't believe it.


I knock on the door while my nervousness can probably be seen from a mile away. Kamari opens the door, Her eyes widen as she looks at me. "Zayan, what are you doing here?" Rolling my eyes, "I'm here for you caro." She narrows her eyes at me.

"The whole reason for me coming here was not to be found." She argues, "Yeah from your parents." There's a creak that comes from inside the house. "Kamari, who is at the door?" A soft voice calls out. Keeping her eyes trained on me she shouts back, "No one!"

"Kamari-" She cuts me off, "Zayan you need to leave." I shake my head no. "I'm not going anywhere without you." The soft walking of someone gets closer.

"Kamari, do you know this young man?" The soft voice asked again. "I do," She closes her eyes. "Let him stay in the guest bedroom."

Kamari walks inside and I follow shortly after her. "What's your name?" Her grandmother asked, "Zayan ma'am." She smiles at me picking up a plate.

"Sugar cookies?"

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