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I walked back into the ballroom and
saw Jungkook on his throne, spacing
out. I tried sneaking away towards the
exit but was soon found by Jungkook.

"Where do you think you're going?"
Jungkook asked

"Imma be honest, I wanted to leave."
I shrugged.

"Well you're not leaving yet because
you're going to dance with me."

"What?! I don't know how to dance!"
I said panicking.

"i'll teach you." Jungkook then pulled
me to the middle of the ballroom.

Girls gave me dirty looks but still they
moved away to give space for us.

"Place you hands here and I place mine here." He direct me what to do next.

Soon, I got the hang of it pretty quickly.

"How do you learn so fast?" He asked

"I've watched people practice out in the open so I just watched and learned of that."

"Well you're doing great." Jungkook

"Whatever." I said as he laughed.


"Are you done yet?" Yoongi asked

"No." Jimin cried more.
Yoongi sighed.

They have been stuck in this room for
30 minutes, having Yoongi comforting

"Hyung, have you always been this
pretty?" Jimin poked Yoongi's cheek

Yoongi looked at him weirdly.

"You good? Of course not, you just cried your eyes out for half an hour and it's about to be an hourif you keep going." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"You're mean." Jimin pouted.


"These heels are killing me!" I took off
the shoes that I wore.

"Sorry for giving you those, I thought
they were pretty" Jungkook scratched
the back of his neck.

"No! They are! I'm just not used to them yet."

"You should've told me, I would've
gotten you more comfortable shoes."
Jungkook pouted.

After the ball ended, we decided to just hang out in my room. Of course my parents were looking for me the whole entire time after the incident but when they saw us dancing, they decided to leave us alone until after it ended.

Instead of looking for me again
and asking their daughter about
the marriage, they thought I should
get some rest and will talk about it

"Do you think your parents will accept me?" Jungkook held my hand.

Now this makes my heart beat faster. I
was right, I'm falling for him. But I still
have my doubts.

"of course they will, they accepted
you as soon as you showed up at our
doorstep." I laughed

"I forgot to ask but, what did you and
Jimin tallk about?" Jungkook asked

Jimin probably doesn't want Jungkook
to know so I'l keep it a secret for now.

"He just wanted to congratulate me"" I

"Really? That was a pretty long
conversation for a congratulations."

"I waited a long time for you, I was so
bored I almost fell asleep during the
ball" Jungkook pouted


"You seem uncomfortable in that dress, why don't you change?" Jungkook said

I nodded and took a few clothes from
the closet that was on the side of my
room. Jungkook had someone get me
clothes that fit me exactly. I walked into the bathroom and locked it.

"Oh my god. I-I'm going to marry the
king. Or am I? I didn't say yes or no did I?" I talked to myself

YET!" I yelled a bit too loudly.

Wait did he hear me? Hopefully not or
itl be embarrassing!

At the same~

"Who is she talking to? Is she talking
to herself? That's too cute." Jungkook

YET!" Jungkook heard her voice loud
and clear.

Jungkook burst into silent laughter, he
rolled around her bed, laughing hard.

'She must've accepted being my wife.'
Jungkook smiled to himself.

Seconds later, Jungkook heard the
water running meaning that she is
taking a shower. Jungkook sniffed her
pillows until she was done.

"I could get used to this smell, I want to
smell it as soon a I wake up everyday"
Jungkook thought like a creepy
pedophilic stalker.


I walked out of the bathroom in more
comfortable clothes than before.
Jungkook was sitting there, staring at
my pillows.

"Y-Your majesty?" I stuttered.

"I thought you stopped calling me that."
He turned his head to me quickly and
glared at me.

"I mean Jungkook." I rolled my eyes.

"Um, not trying to be rude but what are
you still doing here?" I asked

"I want to sleep here. My bedroom is
boring." Jungkook wrapped his body in
my blanket.

"Your room is boring? My room is just
plain brown while yours is filled with
gold everywhere. Plus isn't it a bit too...
early?"I fiddled with my fingers.

Jungkook burst out in laughter as he
unwrapped himself from my blanket.

"I meant sleep in the same bed, not that
kind of sleep. Your mind is too dirty!"
Jungkook laughed louder.

My face turned bright red.

"Aside from that, seeing too much gold
makes my eyes hurt." Jungkook said
like a spoiled child.

"I'd rather wake up to seeing your face
because it's worth more than gold."
Jungkook winked.

My cheeks turned even redder and
my ears started to feel hot. I cleared
my throat and laid on the bed next to

"Whatever, you can stay in this bed
as long as this pillow is kept here." I
placed a long pillow in between us,
separating our bodies.

"Oh come on, I can't hug you to sleep?"
Jungkook pouted.

"No." I closed my eyes as Jungkook

"Fine, but at least get rid of the pillow."

Jungkook whined even more

"Shut up and go sleep." I closed my eyes
Jungkook sulked but finally decided
to be quiet.

As Jungkook stared at the
ceiling, I fell asleep really quickly.

King's Love | Liskook ff | Lizkook | JJK X LMWhere stories live. Discover now