Lazy Day

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Today was not going to be a productive day. Mercury could already tell.

He'd nearly fallen asleep twice while trying to get changed and ready for work, not even his coffee helped.

And he found out why as soon as he stepped outside to drive to work.

It was pouring.

He sighed heavily, annoyed.

He went back inside to grab an umbrella.

This was the third rain in a row, and it wasn't helping.

He opened it up and stepped into the rain.

Once he got to his car, he closed it, and got inside.

He put his foot on the gas and drove off to work.

He hated rain more than anything. He wished it would disappear.

It was rather ironic for how moody he was on a regular basis, but it wasn't his fault.

When he finally arrived to the office building (by now, he'd nearly crashed at least three times...), he got into the elevator with his briefcase and then nearly dozed off again.

Once the elevator stopped, he was wide awake again... or so he told himself.

He managed to get to his office and sit at his desk, his adorable black cat sitting patiently at the floor for him.

"Yeah... come here, Minx..."

The cat chirped and hopped onto his lap. He began to purr as Mercury began to pet him.

The cat soon fell soundly asleep on its owner's lap, and oh, how Mercury envied him. He wished he could become a cat and sleep all day.

He looked at his schedule.

Nothing was planned for the next few hours.

He laid his head on the desk, careful to not squish his cat. He pushed the chair in a little, once again being careful not to flatten the cat.

He closed his eyes.

It wouldn't hurt... to just... close them... right..?

It would, as it turned out. He fell asleep three seconds later.


Vulture rushed to the inside of the building.

He was late for his report.

The CEO was definitely going to kill him.


Mercury woke up, snapped awake.


He snapped his gaze around.

When he focused on the door, he saw Vulture's small figure with a clipboard hugged close.

"Um... s-sir... I came... with the report... um... I'm sorry for being late..."

Mercury looked at the time.

He was late, but...

That doesn't really count now, does it?

Mercury had been asleep for the past four hours. Perhaps Vulture being late was an excusable offense.

"It's fine... just... come here and give me the report..."


Vulture walked up to Mercury's desk.

"Um... so... Sullivan has been able to recruit a few more people for the security... and... Truman was able to find a few people to-"



Vulture panicked for a moment, thinking perhaps Mercury was angry or someone shot him, but looked at him and found no blood, and he wasn't angry.

He was asleep.

Vulture searched for a tranquilizer anywhere so he could determine who shot it (if any was shot at all) based on the angle of the actual needle, but he couldn't find any.

He calmed down, realising that his boss was probably just tired.

He stared at Mercury for a few brief seconds.

He smiled.

He looks adorable when he's asleep...

He tousled Mercury's hair in an attempt to wake him up.

"Sir... wake up..."

When that didn't work, Vulture half-groaned-half-laughed and then sighed.

The report would have to wait for later, wouldn't it?


Mercury snapped awake again.

Vulture almost laughed, but managed to stifle it.

Mercury looked up at Vulture again.

He groaned in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry about that... I didn't mean to fall asleep..."

Vulture giggled.

"And I thought I was sleep-deprived..."

"It's the rain, okay? The stupid rain!"

It took Vulture a moment, but he finally understood what it was about the rain that made Mercury so sleepy.

He thought it ironic for how mature and reserved Mercury was, but he wouldn't complain.

"It's okay."

"Just give me the clipboard, I'll read it later."


Vulture held the clipboard out. Mercury took it and tried to read some of it, but his eyes strained. He groaned in discomfort and annoyance and slammed his head on the desk again, the clipboard falling beside him onto the documents he had on the side of his desk.

That woke the cat who was previously asleep on his lap.

Minxie jumped off of his lap and he slouched even more knowing he wouldn't sandwich his cat between his stomach and his thighs.

Vulture hesitantly reached his hand out to Mercury.

He stopped a few centimetres away from Mercury's head, contemplating as to whether he should touch his hair or not.

Ultimately, he decided that it wouldn't kill him to pet the CEO's hair.

He ran his fingers through Mercury's silver hair and Mercury seemed to relax even more, Vulture unsure as to how that was even possible.

He sat down afterwards, soon continuing to run his fingers through Mercury's hair.

Mercury grumbled and Vulture thought that was a sign to stop, but when he tried to pull his hand away Mercury grabbed it and pulled it back to his head.

"I just wanna sleep... but I have business meetings..."

"I could ask them to reschedule," Vulture offered.

Mercury hesitated for a moment.


"Okay, but I'm gonna need my hand."

"Can you reschedule later?"

Vulture was taken aback by this.

The CEO was asking him to stay?

He hesitated for a moment, but smiled afterwards.

"Of course, Mercury."


Vulture continued to pet Mercury's hair, and soon Mercury's cat hopped onto the desk and rubbed his nose against Mercury's head. The cat began to purr soon after.

Maybe today isn't productive, but at least I get to spend it with my favourite employee and my cat...

And at least I can regain some of the hours of sleep I've been lacking on.

Lazy Day (MerVul Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now