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"Attention passengers. We well be landing in Hawaii in less than ten minutes. The seat belt sign is on and thank you for flying with us this evening." The friendly flight attendant said. The message woke you and you rolled up your window. The sun beamed in your face until you saw the water, palm trees, and the islands.

"Wow!!!" You smiled looking at the window. "I can't believe I get to compete here this year!!" After minutes of sharing out the window the plan landed at the airport and cruised to the gates where you were leaving from.

You are so eager to get off the plane, go to the beaches and surf as much as you want. As much as you want to have fun, your also here to compete and your not leaving without that huge trophy with your name on it.

After leaving the plane and grabbing your bags from baggage claim, the second you step out a cab pulled up for you. You introduced yourself and told him where you are going.

"What bring you to Hawaii?" The driver asked.

"I'm here for the surfing competition." You say determined. The driver wished you good luck and dropped you off at the luxurious hotel.

"Aloha!!" Hotel workers gave you a lei to wear with blue and white flowers on it. "Welcome to Hawaii!!"

"Thank you." You smiled and went on about your way.

You got your room key and found your hotel room. The door swung open and you immediately found your bed and jumped on it like a child. Then you ran to the back where you have a view of the beach and palm trees.

First order of business is go to the beach. You quickly grabbed your tank top, board shorts, sandals, and your surfboard.

A few people are out swimming, surfing, wakeboarding, all that good stuff on the beach. Now it's your turn to show them what your made of-

Your attention automatically directs to a guy walking out of the water and what happened to look like slow motion. He's shirtless with tattoos all over and has a nice curves, with a board in his hand. He's a surfer too.

"Hey Louis!"

"Hey man!" He waved at another surfer.

"So his name is Louis? He's cute." You whisper softly, smiling. Then the slow motion stopped and reality hit you.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)?! You don't have time for boys." You shook your head telling yourself. You calmed yourself down and walked to the water passed him and got a small look at his round bum that looked good in his shorts-

"Who was that?!" The same guy you stared at looked back at you. His blue eyes widened, watching you take of your shirt and wax your board

"What's your name again?"

"My name is (Y/N)." You say introducing yourself to a competitor, unaware that Louis is fantasizing about you.

"His name is (Y/N)? He's adorable." Louis smiled and he realized what he just said.

"Oh, what the hell am I doing?! I don't have time for boys yet!!" He said to himself. "But I have time for that one." Louis quickly changed his mind. Little does he know that, you're here to compete in the tournament that he's in.

Catching Waves: Louis Tomlinson (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now