Chapter 3

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*Your POV*

I've been practicing my newer tricks after Louis and I's lunch date. He is a very sweet and funny guy. I could see our somewhat of a friendship go outside of the competition.

I didn't come to the island with any intentions to find a boyfriend. I came here to compete and make a few friends along the way. As competitive as the competition is, it's all friendly.

I carried my board back up to my spot and jamming the end of of surfboard in the sand for it it stand upright. Then I laid my towel out and laid down on it trying to get a better tan. Not even five minutes into my tanning, I felt a body cling onto my side. I opened my eyes and looks down to a head full of brown hair and a tattooed arm across my body.

"Long time no see." Louis looked up at me with his ocean blue eyes that I always get lost in. What am I thinking?!

"Hi Louis." I greeted.

"You're comfortable." Louis laid his head back down in my chest. I didn't mind it at all. It's nothing more than a......'friendly cuddle' or something. If there is a such thing. "Competition is starting soon. Just because we're friends doesn't mean I'll go easy."

"Likewise." I agreed with him. "Trust me. You haven't seen any of my better moves yet that I've been wanting to show everyone."

Louis looked up at me flirtatiously, "Are you talking about in the ocean or in the bed room?"

"The ocean obviously." I childishly laughed.

"Sure...." Louis played. "Anyways. It's gonna be huge. I'm looking forward to it.

I think of a joke then I voiced it, "Is it gonna be as huge as that that ass?"

"You're kinky." Louis grinned running his hand down my body. That joke totally went left field.

"Um.....Louis I didn't mean it like that."

"Why aren't you stopping me?" Louis raised his head out my chest and gave me a suggestive look. I felt the redness rush to my cheeks because I started blushing hard.

"W-What are you talking about?" I barely breathed out from my heart pumping so fast.

Louis answered by slowly tracing his sliding his hand under the waist band of my shorts.

"Louis not right now please." I breathed out but it only turned Louis on even more.

"So later?" He whispered in my ear.

"Um.....yeah sure."

"Sounds good to me." Louis rolled away from me and stood up then wiped some of the sand off his body. "I'll catch you later." The blue eyed surfer boy winked at me then left me with a full erection.


For the entire day, Louis is all that I have been thinking about. Not only that, also I couldn't figure out why I almost let him fondle me. If it were another guy, I would've react different. But when it comes to Louis, I was okay with it. Do I like this guy?

That thought stayed in my head as I'm walking back to my room. When I make it to my door, Louis came from around the other corner of the hallway.

"Hello there." Louis grinned. "Still feeling a bit.....up?"

"Not anymore. Look, I did take the joke too far and-"

"Just admit it."

"Admit what?"

"That I wanted me to touch you down there."

"I didn't."

"Then why did you stop me?"

"I did. With my words."

"Actions speak louder than words, (Y/N). And speaking of actions." Louis said walking towards me, he lightly put me against the wall and met faces with me.

"Louis, what are you doing?" I asked and tried to sneak my room key into the slot so I could make a run for it. Instead I made a mistake and dropped it. I'm screwed.

"This." Louis answered then aggressively put his lips to mine. Then shortly he started to make out with me then I found the courage to kiss him right back. As I'm kissing him, my arms wrapped around his neck and his around my body. I've only known this boy for a few days and I'm already making out with him. Strange right?

We stopped the kiss and got locked in each other's eyes. Neither one of us couldn't believe what just went on.

"Um....I'll see you later." Louis took his arms from around me and let himself in his room, with a blushed face. "Holy shit! (Y/N) a good kisser!" He exclaimed on the other side of the door, loud enough that I even heard him.

As I'm going back to my room, I can't help but wait to see how Louis and I will unfold. Will he be someone to play around with while in competition? Or are we actually gonna dating?

I'm more than willing to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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