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As I begun driving home I began to wonder if I should go back there.. and go back there I did I turned the car and parked again, climbing over the fence I fell on my face "ouch" my phone vibrates, I see a text from Georgia 'hey girl did u get home safe?' Ignoring her I walk into the building, it's now all bloody the hell?.. freaked out I keep walking I see the room again..wide open?.. it's MY HUSBAND?! MY HUSBANDS DEAD BODY?! Screaming in fear I step back crying "WHO WOULD DO THIS?!"
A whisper in my ear "I would.."
"WHOS THERE?!" Falling onto the floor in agony I hear no reply..
I'm going mad proper mad, freaked out I grab a note a saw on the floor it's bloody huh..
Using the last bit of will I look around hearing whispers, hours go by and I'm still walking around then I hear a lock twist I bolt to the door finding it locked "FUCK". Looking around a wall falls on top of me.. screaming crying nothing could save me yet I still lived?... I woke up in a hospital with Georgia crying next to me.
"H-huh?.." I blurt out
"UR ALIVE!!" Georgia screamed hugging me tight "YOU SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA ME!"
"Sorry sorry"
"It's alright just rest.. they demolished the building on top of you I thought u died.."
"No no no.. calm down.."
Georgia got pulled out the room.. I was worried about her she mattered a lot to me I couldn't lose her ever.. After a few days I got sent home..I was laying in bed worried about Georgia was she gonna be okay?.. she was probably thinking the same thing to be honest.. I tried getting to sleep I couldn't I had to check up on her.

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