Chapter 7

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She looked at him not knowing how to explain her power. She opened her mouth and said, "I can give people IQ or to put it simply making others smart and giving them IQ to temporarily make them really smart. Although if I give too much of my IQ then their head might explode and I become very dumb temporarily."

Everyone looked surprised. Honestly, I wasn't really surprised. I could tell she was a miss-know-it-all since the first time I saw her. I just guess she was really smart and that had something to do with her power. I guessed right you can say. Although I must say giving others IQ and making them smart even if it's temporary is a strong ability with a lot of responsibility.

"We can walk, I guess," I said since I could see how nervous she was to get on that bus. Just when Logan was going to protest, I covered his mouth.

"We are walking," I said with a creepy, fake smile.

Presley smiled and did sign language and said 'Thank you'.

I nodded since I could understand sign language. "Lead the way," I said with a smile.

Presley nodded in agreement and began to walk. We walked in silence.

"Hey Laura," Charlotte asked, breaking the silence, "Is your real name Liberty Lockster?"

I froze. I never wanted to hear that name again. My grandparents on my dad's side made my parents name me Liberty when they wanted Laura. So, they called me Laura as a nickname.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" I said holding back my anger. I was having flashbacks to when I would stay over at my grandfather's house; He would beat me if I didn't wash the dishes or if I didn't set the table right. He would screech, 'LIBERTY YOU DISGUSTING FAILURE OF AN ASSASSIN?!' I returned to reality when I noticed I was sitting on the ground crying.

"You okay Laura?" Logan asked. I whipped my tears away so no one saw.

"Yup I'm fine!" I jumped up with a big fake smile on my face.

Both Logan and Ollie knew from the way I reacted that I wasn't fine. I could tell by their eyes. Sakura hugged me knowing what was probably going through my mind. I petted her and kissed her forehead.

"Let's continue walking," I said in a worried tone of voice.

We walked in silence again until we saw the Observatory. It was made of bricks and in a cylinder shape. We walked inside. Right away I knew something was off. The room was completely black. We walked around yelling to see if anyone was there. There was no one. It's like everyone disappeared. The door was open though and the sign said open. I was so confused. Who would leave the door open when there is no one inside? We kept walking around until we heard a shriek.

We all turned around, "Where's Logan?!" I said worriedly.

I hoped he was okay. That's when the floor underneath me opened. I scream as I fall down the hole. The floor closed as I fell. Soon I was in a white room in a chair. The chair automatically puts bonds around my hands, feet, and neck to make sure I couldn't move or use my power. I looked around, about ten feet beside me was Logan in a chair just like mine.

"Logan?!" I yelled at him.

He looked over, "Laura?! Is that you?"

"Yeah. What happened? Where are we?" I was confused about the situation we were in.

"I Don't know but by the look of things I would say this is a Scientific laboratory. They must have known we would be coming!" Logan replied.

I began to think how could the scientist know? Then it hit me. It was Oliver. He betrayed us. How could he?! I started to get angry and summoned fire to my hands and feet. I didn't even know that I could summon fire from my feet. How interesting. I shot right up from the chair when the metal melted.

Adventures with Laura Lockster: The First StrikeWhere stories live. Discover now