Interview 1: Kinkajou and the village attack

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This is on JMA summer break

Torrid: Welcome Kinkajou! I'm Torrid. What have we here to interview?

Kinkajou: Well you wanted to interview me about how I felt about the "Village Attack", even though it was just the library that burnt down.

Torrid: So tell us how your day started off.

Kinkajou: Well it started out like any other day in the rain forest. As I was finishing my daily venom target practice, My friend asked me to go to the library with her, so I said yes. As we were walking down, the soldiers were flying forwards the library with water buckets. So we flew to see what happened. Then we saw that it was just the library burning.

Torrid: Is this the first time something like this has happened in the rain forest?

Kinkajou: No. Clay sometimes sneezes while being around a place full of dust and accidentally burns a few things.

Torrid: seems like something he would do.

Kinkajou: So as we stepped back watching, rainwings in the trees above kept saying some big brown dragon swooped in and did this. Most rainwings dont know Clay and think of him as a threat.

Torrid: Does the rest of the Rainwings and Nightwings know that it was Clay?

Kinkajou: Most of them do. Most Nightwings think of him like a cute and happy loaf of bread. He just to sweet to burn a library down for fun.

Torrid: Welp your heard her folks! Thank you for coming in and telling us about it. Please have a safe day!

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