Snow In The Air And Your Hair

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Today Jack woke up in excitement seeing white white covering the yard as a blanket on the land. Allowing plants and animals to sleep until it's their time to rise again. It was beautiful.

He immediately ran to his the kitchen where he could hear his parents talking and cooking.

Sure enough, Sam was cooking something with Eileen, while Castiel was reading a paper, telling them about it.

Jack didn't bother to say hello, instead going for hugs from everyone, and they all happily hugged him back.

He hugged Castiel first, then Eileen, leaving Sam to be last since he was still using the stove.

Sam had a plate ready for him, Castiel pushed his drink over, "So..." Jack said, before digging in, "Snow day?"

The three looked outside, it did look like a lot of fun. Besides, they were going to have to pull some more firewood out anyways, might as well have some fun before doing so.

"Yeah, today is a snow day." Sam said, turning off the stove and began serving out plates to his partners.


After breakfast, they cleaned up, and those who weren't helping with that were busy getting dressed for outside, lots of layers, scarves, and puffy jackets. It wouldn't be very fun if they got sick after playing in the cold.

Even for the angel who insisted they don't get cold had to dress for the occasion. Castiel may not feel cold but last time their hands were colder than ice when they came inside.

When everyone was dressed and ready to take on the snowy day, the peaceful look around at what the snow had laid on lasted for a minute. Before Eileen formed a snowball and threw it at Sam.

It didn't take long for teams to form, Sam and Jack on one team, Eileen and Castiel on the other.

Both teams not wanting to back down and surrender, meaning the snowball battle lasted for hours, trickery and betrayal was inevitable.

Castiel kissing Sam to place a snowball in their coat. Jack hugging Eileen to do the same thing.

It was brutal on the battlefield. Until, they all had to call a truce so Sam could go inside and make some hot chocolate to warm up a bit.

In the meantime, Eileen grabbed some more wood that they chopped a week ago in preparation.

Jack and Castiel sat in the snow looking up at the sparce snowflakes that still fluttered down from time to time.

The one Castiel spotted was about to land on Jack, "Stay still," Castiel said, and Jack listened.

Carefully, Castiel eased it off of Jack's hair onto their finger and showed it to Jack for further inspection.

"It's so tiny." Jack said, but it was so detailed. He loved it and wanted to keep it forever.

Castiel smiled at Jack's concentration face, "What should we do with it?"

"We can place it on Sam!" Jack exclaimed, Castiel had a feeling that it was going to end up on someone.

"Place what on me?" Sam asked, setting down drinks for everyone, and sitting next to Eileen who had finished bringing in another pile of wood.

"Do you trust us?" Jack asked Sam, he shared a glance with Castiel who looked away knowingly.

"Of course," Sam said, just hoping it wasn't another cold snowball. He may have a warm mug now, but the cold was already being snippy at any exposed skin. He wasn't trying to further mess with it.

"Close your eyes." Castiel told Sam, and Eileen signed what is it. Castiel signed back for her to watch closely.

"Okay," Jack said after managing to place it on Sam's nose. Eileen looked at the two surprised,

"It's a snowflake." She said, Sam tried to look at it but couldn't see if very well, instead just crossed his eyes on accident. Castiel managed to grab it without damaging it and showed Sam properly.

"It's gorgeous." Sam said, Castiel had to agree.

"I want to catch one for Eileen!" Jack decided, and ran off the porch looking up for a stray snowflake.

Eileen smiled and the three watched how the snowflake melted once Castiel let it. It was easier to move around with a little help from their grace. But now it was time to let it go.

Sam patted a spot for Castiel and handed them the warm beverage, "I just hope he doesn't catch a cold."

"He'll be fine." Eileen told them, they all knew that Jack was the warmest with some grace and magic that glowed just slightly. Was it necessary? Perhaps not. Jack didn't get sick often with their own powers, it was more to ease their mind.

The three stayed huddled on the porch, leaning on each other as they watched Jack patiently look for the perfect snowflake for Eileen. Missing plenty that just didn't look right.

By the time they went inside to start the fire, there was snow in the hair, and more importantly in Jack's hair. But, he did find the perfect snowflake for Eileen, which was granted a longer life with a little help from her partners.

What a nice winter day.

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