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I love being a narcissist.

That way, I can make sure that no one disrespects me even in the slightest. Many have tried. No one can cut through me.

I enter my sixth year at Hogwarts the same girl I've always been. A cunning Slytherin. That runs in the Lowe family. My mother would be greatly disappointed if I weren't in Slytherin. It is the best house, so it's understandable. Our pureblood status and riches don't suffice, we have to prove it through our Hogwarts house. And I was proving it. Every since my dad died we have to stick up for ourselves whatever way we can.

I dress in casual black clothing to ride the Hogwarts Express. I stare at myself in the mirror. My long black hair accentuates my sharp face perfectly, and my blue eyes go well with the siren shape. I'm so perfectly content with it. Can you blame me? I quickly step on to the fireplace to travel to the train station with my mom.

"Bye, mum," I give my mom a hug, if you can call it that, and she waves goodbye to me as I step onto the train. I drag my luggage on until I find a compartment with familiar faces in it.

"Valerie!" Pansy and Daphne got up to hug me.

"Hey, guys!"

"We barely saw you this summer," said Daphne.

"I know, we really should've hung out more. But I was really busy studying for the NEWTs and... You know," I said.

I wanted to keep the conversation light, but everyone knew the air was thick. The Dark Lord returned. The children of pureblood families know it best. Everyone else shakes in fear of something to come crashing down or knocking at their door. For us, his presence is in our home. Our parents don't tell us anything, but we know. We know a semblance of the truth, at least.

"Yeah... Um... Wait- for the NEWT classes you're going to take this year?" Pansy asked me.

"Yeah," I responded. "I have to maintain my reputation as the smartest one out of all of us."

Pansy rolled her eyes, but she didn't disagree.

After we had settled all the luggage and we got comfortable with blankets draping over us, we closed the cabin door. That is, until some guys came knocking.

"What's good, ladies?" Theo opened the door and stepped inside with Blaise.

"Hey, guys, we were wondering where you were," I said, searching for someone else to complete the trio.

"We were trying to convince Draco to come, but he insisted on being alone out there," said Blaise. "Something about having to concentrate. Still, Crabbe and Goyle are probably gonna talk his ear off, so it's his loss."

Talking ensued amongst us, but I continued to look out the cabin door. Draco was one of my best friends, under the girls. I hadn't seen him at all this summer. From what they were saying, they hadn't either. Still, I know how Draco is. He's kind of a pissy guy. This isn't out of the ordinary for him to do. A while into our train ride, I started to actually get concerned. Was Draco enjoying talking with the two brainless dimwits more than us?

The trolley lady opened our door, and with that swing I got up and left the cabin. I looked around at the train and saw Draco in one of the booths, sitting with his feet resting on the entire seat, reading something. Crabbe and Goyle sat in front of him.

"Duh, he's doing NEWT for potions, Crabbe. I'm not doing NEWT for anything, though. Too much extra work," said Goyle.

"You're just stupid-"

"Scram," I said at once. They gave me one look and reluctantly got up and sat somewhere else. I sat down in front of Draco. Beside him looking up when I spoke to the other two, he didn't look at me. He just continued to read.

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